Chapter 2

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The next morning in Paris, Nathan woke me up with a quick kiss on the lips and some breakfast in bed.

"Morning." Nathan says as I smile.
"Good morning." I reply as he smiles.
"I have a surprise for you today." Nathan says as I smile.
"Ooh! What is it?" I say as he smiles and taps his nose.
"You'll see."


Once I'd finished breakfast and Horton dressed, Nathan put a blindfold on me before getting a taxi. He picked me up and places me in the car before putting my wheelchair in the boot of the car.

Within about half an hour, we were at the destination. Nathan pays the driver before helping me into my chair.

"You ready?" Nathan says as I nod excitedly.
"Yeah." I say as he starts counting down from 3.

When he reaches one, he takes my blindfold off as my eyes open wide.

"Disneyland!" I exclaim as Nathan smiles.
"Yeah. You're excited?" He asks as I nod.
"Very. But, what rides will I go on? I'm disabled." I say as Nathan smiles.
"We're not going in for the rides. We're going in to meet the characters and watch the show." Nathan says as I smile.
"You know I've always wanted to do that!!" I exclaim as Nathan smiles.
"Exactly and since you can't go on the rides, I thought that we can meet the characters and stuff." He says as I nod.

Nathan walks me up to the ticket office before getting out our tickets.

"I'm sorry sir. Miss won't be able to come through." The ticket officer says.
"But you have DAS." Nathan protests as the man shakes his head.
"Do you have a DAS pass?" He asks as Nathan shakes his head.
"I looked online and it said that we don't need one..." Nathan trails off as I look at him before the officer.
"Sir, please. We're only here to see the show and meet a few characters." I say as he shakes his head.
"No pass, no entry." He says as Nathan kneels down in front of me.
"Eva, I'm so sorry." Nathan says as I place my hand on his cheek.

I turn to the officer and frown at him.

"You can't just refuse entry because I'm disabled. We're on our honeymoon and your ruining our plans. You either let me in or we'll go to the authorities." I say as the officer shakes his head.
"I can't let you in. Ground rules." The officer says as I smirk.
"Nathan, phone?" I ask as Nathan passes me his phone.
"Why mine?" He asks.
"You have data." I reply before searching for the number to call the manager of the park.

Once I'd spoken to him, he came down to the office and spoke to the officer. The officer was nodding and protesting until the manager came out and handed us a DAS pass.

"Thank you for calling and requesting a pass and entry. Welcome to Disneyland." He says as Nathan and I enter.
"Well done, smarty." Nathan says as I smile at him.
"I have my ways." I say as we make our way around the park meeting the characters and watching the show.


Once we were back at the hotel, Nathan places me on the bed before kissing me softly.

"I can see you had fun today." Nathan says as I nod and yawn.
"Yeah. I'm really tired." I say as Nathan smiles.
"You have a nap while I go and make some food. You deserve it." Nathan says as I smile and kiss him softly.

Before he leaves, I grab his hand.

"Thank you, Nathan. Everything is perfect." I say as he smiles and kisses me softly.
"Sleep well." He says as I smile and cuddle into my pillow,

Soon enough, I fall into the best nap I have ever taken in my life...


Hey guys! So I've never ever been to Disneyland so I had no clue what to write.

I researched it and yes, some people do need a DAS pass (disability access pass). I wanted to make this chapter more interesting than then getting into the park with no trouble so I added the ticket officer and the manager.

I know this is dragging on a bit but so did Denial, anyway...


- C x

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