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Erin POV
Being stuck in a near death scenario for days sucks. You can hear everything and feel everything, but only darkness meets your eyes. I sort of have my own world in my head, and other than that, I can't do anything. I hope that the trip isn't too dangerous. If one of my friends die trying to help me, I don't know how I'll live with that fact.
(A/n: I wrote this part a while ago and now I completely forgot what I was going to do with it. I was gonna delete it but then I was like, "eh, whatevs." )
Jordan POV
Portals always have upset my stomach, but never like this. Maybe bigger portals have stronger effects. As I stepped out of the portal I looked over to my friends beside me. Tucker and Sonja seemed fine but Tom immediately threw up whatever he had eaten earlier. Looking around us, Aethoria seemed to be primarily endstone, with leaves of a gold/yellow color and numerous buildings scattered about.
"There. The Castle." Ianite said, "There is a portal that Cianite can come through. In fact, he should be here any moment now. We shall meet you inside the fortress."
And with that they blinked out of existence along with Erin's limp body.
As we walked toward the fortress I noticed that the entire place seemed deserted with the exception of a few small robots. When we got to the fortress, there was a figure in front of the gate. A guard perhaps?
"Hullo there!" He called, "I am Lord Brokkr, the last living being in this land!"

A New Life: An Aureylian and CaptainSparklez / Mianite /  AureySparklez FanficWhere stories live. Discover now