All For A Certain Captain

637 10 4

Erin POV
"Well then, I better go prepare." Jordan said, but I really wasn't listening. I was more focused on the way capsize was looking at Jordan.
"Erin, do you want to come?"
"No thanks, I was going to organize the vault." I replied quickly.
"Suit yourself,"he said before disappearing into the portal inside the vault.
I sighed. Maybe I was just over analyzing the way she looked at him, although I can swear it's the same way Sonja locks at Tucker. Oh well.
Then I heard the loud clacking of heeled boots. And only a few people wear boots on Mianite. The pirates mostly.
As if on cue, "sorry matey, but someone needs you dead."

A New Life: An Aureylian and CaptainSparklez / Mianite /  AureySparklez FanficWhere stories live. Discover now