The Search. Kind of.

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Aurey POV

Take this? What?

"Aurey, check your bag." Jordan said.

I peered into my bag, and lo and behold, a small, tightly wrapped scroll lay at the bottom. I opened it nervously. In large letters, it said, sharpness VIII, protection VIII, teleportation.

"I think it's a test, and that we have to choose the right enchantment," Jordan stated, peering over my shoulder.

"I think you're right, sharpness for a sword, protection for armor, but what's teleportation for?" I responded.

" Try this enderpearl. Maybe it will allow you to reuse it."

I ran over to an anvil, only to notice that it was no longer there.

"Jordan, what day is it?"

"July 25, why?"

"No, I mean day of the week."

He thought for a second, then his eyes widened.

"Purge d-"

He didn't even finish his sentence before I heard the twang of a bowstring, and a searing pain in my chest, opposite my heart. I landed several feet away, and I could see champwan raining down arrows. Looking down, an arrow was sticking out of my breast, and blood began to soak into my white dress. I promptly passed out.

Jordan POV

Really? Purge day? Today? Why? Then I saw Aurey get shot by an arrow. It happened in slow motion. That feeling of helplessness, not moving fast enough to help. Then the adrenaline kicks in, quickly drinking a speed and strength potion, I ran over, scooping her up, and grabbing my sword to deflect the oncoming arrows. Nadeshot appeared over the hill. Grabbing an enderpearl, I threw it into the roof of my house, and quickly teleported over. Running into my vault, I set her down on a bed, noticing the amount of blood that one arrow had managed to draw. Her eyelids fluttered.


"I'm here, don't worry you'll be fine."

"When it's over, regardless of whether I make it or not, find Boo," she struggled to say.

"No. Not if you make it. You will make it, you will help me find her. I can't do this alone!"

"That's not a choice I get to make, my love. "

I fell silent, and then started to cry.

"Oh and Jordan?"


"Can you get this f*cking arrow out me now?" she asked, before losing consciousness again.

A New Life: An Aureylian and CaptainSparklez / Mianite /  AureySparklez FanficWhere stories live. Discover now