What in the Worlds?

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Aurey POV

Man, someone must need to get a hold of me really badly. I better pull over. I quickly looked in the backseat, where I could see Boo sleeping. Quickly pulling over, I checked my phone. 30 messages and 6 calls. And a very weird e-mail. Then a chilling wind began to blow. Grabbing Boo tight, I closed my eyes, and when I reopened them, I was in a world if blocks.

Jordan POV

After the wind stopped blowing, I opened my eyes. I appeared to be in my vault. But how? Everything was blocky, except for me. I opened one of the chests. Everything was there, like I left it. I also noticed that in my pocket, was a 2x2 crafting grid, and I was wearing a leather belt and shoulder strap, off which hung tools and blocks. I quickly exited, only to see Aurey and too my surprise, Boo, teleport into existence, surrounded by purple particles which eventually fell to the ground.

"Well, it wasn't a prank."

"Well duh Mr. Sparklypants. And I thougt you said you were smart?" she teased.

"I never said that!"

"Well that really doesn't matter now does it?" She said matter-of-factly.

I sighed, "guess not. Here's some stuff from the vault. "

"What is this?!" she exclaimed.

"Everything you should be carrying in minecraft. Pick, sword, bow, food, arrows, and some cobble." I sad calmly.

She face palmed. "I know that, but how do you know which potions are which?"

"I don't know. I didn't make potions of harming so it should be strength. the blue ones are either invisibility or speed. And the green are potions if poison. "

Aurey POV

While Jordan sorted out our gear, I looked over at Boo. At least, was going to when we were attacked by the modesteps. By the time we had fought them off, Boo was nowhere to be seen.

"Boo?" I cried out nervously. In her place was a sign.

I have taken your daughter. If you want her back, kill Jordan, and join me, as a follower of Dianite.

I fell to my knees, sobbing uncontrollably. Jordan came in, hearing my sobs.

"What's wrong? why are you- oh. " He said, stopping himself as he read the sign. "If you need to," he said, taking off his chestplate, "kill me, and renounce Ianite. If that's what it takes."

"Jordan, I can't! I don't want to be a devious assassin!"

As soon as I finished my sentence, a being, cloaked in purple, materialized in front of us.

"My Lady," we said at the same time.

"I cannot stay long. Take this. I hope you choose the correct path," she said, before disappearing in a puff of purple particles.

A New Life: An Aureylian and CaptainSparklez / Mianite /  AureySparklez FanficWhere stories live. Discover now