One Final Battle

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Aurey POV
We tried to fight with a strategy. But when you're outnumbered 100 to one, it's hard to keep a cool head. We tried to take out the blazes with our bows first, but then we encountered the first wave of pigmen. We defeated them, but at the expense of many arrows, and we both had multiple injuries. The good news was, only Vechs, Tom, Josh, Tony, Nadeshot, and Hecz were still alive.
"Well I guess this is it," I said over my shoulder to Jordan as the others rushed toward us, swords drawn.
He just smiled, "it's never over, as long as we're together," he said before giving me a quick kiss. And then the first of them hit us.
We fought for our lives. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Boo at the nether portal, talking with two people with bows, wait what? I was so distracted that I didn't realize that Jordan was no longer at my back, but on the ground, bleeding. I didn't even have time to cry out, I couldn't deflect Nadeshot's sword and prevent Josh's sword from killing Jordan too!
Then I heard a arrow fly past my head, only to hit Josh. Looking up, I saw that the people that Boo was talking to was none other than Tucker and Sonja!
"Behind you!" I heard Sonja yell at me. I turned around, only to get a bat explode in my face,knocking me backwards, and behind the bat, was none other than Vechs. He was laughing the same laugh that I had grown accustomed to in his super hostile maps. I would've killed him myself just for that, but I couldn't stand, no matter how I tried. I couldn't stop him as he raided his sword high above his head, ready to end my life. I scrunched my eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable. But nothing happened except for a "thump" beside me. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw Boo, the sword I had given her buried in Vechs' back. Then I passed out. Again.

A New Life: An Aureylian and CaptainSparklez / Mianite /  AureySparklez FanficWhere stories live. Discover now