[Chapter 2]

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POV of Brian
There is this really cute boy in my class and im in love with him.He is just so cute and hot,i could just cuddle him to death.His name is Liam and i've been somewhat stalking him and checking him out since day one of highschool since freshman year.He is smaller than me like petite-ish i guess and he has the most adorable smile ever.He gets me so turned on everytime whenever he's in my sight.He also has really nice hair,its so full and fluffy looking ,it always wooshes in the air.He also has the most toned looking legs ,yes i definitely stare at his lower half because thats hot as fuck.He also has a really nice ass that i could honestly just fucking pound really hard.He has to be the cutest nerd on earth like god ,why must he look so fine.He seems to wear a lot of cute looking clothes.Liam usually wears a lot of oversized sweaters and hoodies as well as plaid pants.He also wears clear-framed spectacles too.He has a teeny tiny nose ,i have sudden urges where i just want to pinch it and its even more sweeter when he sneezes like a little bunny.His cheeks are rosy and smooth looking.Another thing i've seem to notice is that he is always studying and every teacher likes him unlike me ,well i try to do my best in the back of the class.I can tell that he's very naive and innocent.He does participate in school co-curricular activities too.Liam normally plays tennis with his best friend,Elena.Again i know this sounds creepy but i kinda stalk him playing tennis from a far.Even when he plays tennis ,he manages to dress adorably,like he wears a headband,wristbands and a polo shirt.Our school has a gym(not a gymnasium),i work out there after school for a bit or before football training.Once in a blue moon,Liam comes to the gym.His body is lean looking but kinda toned at the same time.I always find myself checking out liam here too.In our classes, he answers most of the questions that our teachers ask us but we will just let him answer it for us .I know i shouldnt be assuming a person's sexuality but im debating whether Liam is gay or bisexual.I also cant get over fact of how cute he is when he's struggling to carry his books with his tiny little arms , i just wanna carry him in my arms and kiss him.I've never really had a crush like this before,i really really love Liam.I came out to my parents last summer ,it didnt go very smoothly but they eventually accepted me at the end.I managed to come out to my two best friends ,Alex and Drew that are honestly too straight.I am so thankful that they accepted me for who i am because i couldnt live without them.No one else in our school knows im gay thats probably because im straight-passing and since im in the football team .Some girls still try to flirt with me but i just have to turn them all down.I told Alex and Drew that i have a crush on Liam and they actually said that it seems like a good match.They always catch me eyeing Liam.I mean its true though,im a major romantic over Liam ,i just wish i had the guts to confess to him that i love him and want to take him on a date.Im just worried that he's gonna think its a prank that the football team planned on him.Im constantly thinking about him everyday and its just been distracting me from the things i have to do.So i decided that i have to start avoiding him at all cause so i will eventually forget about him.One day i was walking down the school hallway to go to my locker and a small boy just walked into me making himself fall on me .I immediately woke up from the ground and pulled him back up.I really enjoyed the fact that Liam fell on me not gonna lie but i quickly resorted to making it look like i didnt like him and pushed him a bit and told him off after pulling him back up.His appearance changed and he looked really sad.He walked as fast as he could away from me after that whole incident.Thats when i realized that i've fucked up everything.I couldnt even imagine myself confessing to him after what i have just done.I shouldnt have been so hard and mean to him.I felt like a total dick for doing that to him.A voice in my head just kept on replaying and saying "he will never love you".

****Few Days Later****

I was in my biology class and Liam was there,i tried to not look at him at all because i truly felt guilty as hell.

"Okay class ,today i will explain about your year end assessment that everyone will be doing in groups of pairs" said Ms Kathrine.

"The topic i picked for the project is Human Blood Components and The Diseases related".she continued on.
Ive already planned to do this project with Alex.

"Students ,i will be pairing you all up randomly for this assignment"she said.
I was hoping that i will be paired up with Alex or honestly anyone else except Liam.

Ms Kathrine began pairing up everyone in our class.Then it came to my turn.
"Brian and ......" she said while looking around the class.I was praying that she would pick Alex but no ,she said "Brian and Liam".I saw Alex smirking and laughing at the corner of my eyes.I was nervous as fuck ,i couldnt believe it.This is the death of me ,me being paired up with my crush that i've hurted.Out of everyone, obviously Ms Kathrine had to fucking choose Liam.

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