moonlit and shameful

36 1 0

It wasn't the fanciest restaurant, the place they went to, but it was enough.

A date, just him and frank, at a place called Vannas, a simple little sports bar right next to a drugstore.

It was the fanciest he could afford, but he loved frank, and he didn't mind the loss of money.

They sat there now, both barely eating what they had ordered, but rather enjoyed the atmosphere.

Franks hands were folded in his lap, and his gaze was fixed on a television across the room.

Gerard's eyes we're locked on frank.

Gerard thought frank was beautiful; his soft, short jet black hair, one side shaved and dyed a lemony color.

His sharp jawline, eyes like silent autumn nights amount his pale skin.

Freckles that danced across his perfect nose.

Gerard flexed his hands, wanting to sketch the figure in front of him.

"Frank? You good?"

His voice broke the akward silence, startling them both.

Frank tore his eyes away from the tv, and looked sideways, head tilted, at Gerard.

"Yeah, I'm great. Why?"

Gerard cleared his throat and looked down at his plate.

"Nothing. You just looked sad, that's all. Football team losing or something?"

Frank laughed a little.

"Nah, I don't even like sports. I like you, though. " He winked at Gerard.

Butterflies exploded in Gees stomach, a nervous smile appearing on his face.

Frank reached over and brushed a strand of hair from Gerard's face, tracing his thumb along his jaw line, letting himself lean forward as his thumb reached Gerard's thin lips, pulling the bottom one downwards and letting his thumb rest on Gees chin.

He tilted Gerard's head downwards, pressing himself against the table as he reached his face across.

Their lips connected, warmth filling their delicate, cracked souls, souls that were even more damaged together. Beautifully damaged.

Beautifully not okay.

Frank opened his eyes a little, yearning to see the state of Gerard's eyes, which happened to also be open.

Gerard giggled into Franks mouth and pulled away.

"Your eyes are, like, so hot. I don't even know. Is that weird? That's weird, right?" He said, a tint of pure joy in his voice.

Frank lifted his chin upwards, smiling sadly at Gerard but not letting the sadness be evident.

"I love weird. And your eyes, they're everything. They're more than I could ever need. Like, stars. And they're much more interesting than  football, that's for sure."

Gerard laughed, lifted and light, filling the air.

God, his voice...

His voice was like clouds.

Frank adored that. He adored Gerard in general.

It was his last day, he could do whatever he wanted, for once his rules became null, he was free.

He payed for the meal despite Gerard's whiny protests, and they both went to the park to watch the sun set.

It was empty, except for a woman next to the gate, on her phone.

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