Eggs :3

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"You know that feeling you get when you meet someone, and you instantly feel like you've known them for years?"  Gerard asked the next day as frank made breakfast.

His fingers were grazing the edge of a page in a comic he was reading.

It was called watchmen, and Gerard quite like the way the art looked.

That, and the super hero aspect.

Frank turned around, hand still on the pan handle.

"What? I mean yeah, but why do you ask?"

He furrowed his brow.

Without looking up, Gerard replied "because that's how I feel with you."

Frank smiled at him before turning back towards the eggs.

He began to panic, knowing full well he'd given Gerard hope, even though all they'd done was something of simple teenage-esque lust.

To him, it had meant nothing.

To him, everything meant nothing.

Because when you start to give up, all of sudden you just lose all care for everything.

You stop driving carefully, stop meeting up with people.

You start letting your heigene slip until a smell becomes too noticible.

You start shutting down basically.

Because when you're dying, things don't seem all that great.

The world loses the color that it never even had.

He thought about this as he set down two plates, one in front of Gerard, and one in front of him as he sat down.

Gerard's eyes we're still glued to his book when he picked up the fork.

"Hey, bookworm. Put the book down and eat. "

Gerard set the book down, giving frank a tired sort of expression. Frank was already looking down by then.

"Good boy. " Frank mumbled, mouth full.

Frank chewed his eggs carefully and looked back up at Gerard.

God, it was something about the way Gerard's eyes lit up as they scanned the page that gave Frank that much needed serotonin.

He'd always been that way, finding joy in seeing others invested in something that made them happy.

Like for instance when Pete Wentz wrote poems in middle school.

Pete Wentz had been his crush in middle school, even though they had only had chemistry together.

Pete had been Frank's lab partner, and Frank had always glanced over at Pete's notebook to find poems instead of notes.

They were always so edgy though.

But if they made Pete happy, that was okay.

Frank liked when people he cared about were happy.

So, now that he had someone to care about, he felt that sweet pang of happiness fill his heart.

Only problem was...

He'd become so numb over the past years that it only lasted minutes before the usual monotone gray-ness took over.

He shrugged and continued to eat his eggs, eyes still on gee.

Gerard, as if sensing the ponderous stares from Frank, glanced up.

"What're you staring at?" Gerard said.

He paused before adding:

"Better yet, what do you want to be staring at?"

He gave a smirk and wiggled his eyebrows comically.

Frank choked on his eggs.

"Next time you choke, it'll be with my dick in your mouth" Gerard cooed, winking.

He shook his head and laughed as he got up and put his dishes in the sink.

Frank wasn't opposed to that offer.

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