Chapter Eleven

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"Is that everything?" Mudon ask as he puts in the last duffel bag into the back of the Jeep Cherokee .
"I believe so." Sams says walking back from the dorm room building. " Where is Agatha?"
Suddenly in sam's peripheral a light flashes. The beams of a flashlight shines upwards forming an eerie mask over Agatha's faces.
" Boo!"
Sams flinches and stumble to the side . " The hell is wrong with you. Why are you wearing all black when it's pitch black out right now?"
"Why aren't you ? We're going on a literal mission."
" Days before exam week." Mudon mumbles as he slams the trunk shut.
"Don't remind me." Sam gets in first on the passenger side.
Agatha rolls her eyes as she get in the back. " Nerds! Both of you."
Mudon gets into the driver seat and starts the engine. He doesn't move instead he focuses his attention into the distance. Moments passed before the weird looks started.
Sam brushed his shoulder. " hun what's up?"
"Agatha . You know something,don't you?"
Agatha froze. Sam looked between Agatha and Mudon. "What's going on?"
Mudon glared at her through the rear view mirror. "AGATHA!"
She and Sam flinched at the strained vibrations of Mudon's voice.
"Okay okay yes I do."
"How long?"
Agatha gulped." Since the incident at the hideout."
Mudon's hands were pale from his grip on the steering wheel. He sighed and put the jeep into reverse.
" just wait until I get my hands on those two their going to wish they are more than just missing."

Agatha sat back stiffly and put on her seatbelt.
Mudon's eyes drifted back at the rear view mirror. "Don't think you're off the hook you got it coming too but for now start talking."

Sam shifted in her seat. She knew all to well about mudon's wrath. She was never on the receiving end but the sidelines was just as frightening.

"Oh come on please spare me . I promise not to get your way again! Please!" Mitch pleaded as he slowly shuffled backwards away from a spear head that was just only a half  foot away from his nose. " I only wanted see how you-"
The sound of metal tarring through flesh was followed by a thud. The head of spear was sunk deep as it was allowed into a tree trunk.
The eerie noise startled Michael who came running up behind her.
"What did you do!" He attempted to push her out the way  but she swayed out the way of his reach .

There before the two of them was one petrified Mitch and a squirming squirrel in pain.
The woman crossed her arms and her lips formed an amused smile. Moments later Mitch's leg gave and he fainted. His body gently sliding down the tree trunk.

Michael sighed with his hands behind his head . " this is the third time in the last 48hrs. Please! Find some other entertainment other than scaring my brother."

A chuckle left her lips, "I can not help it ." She reached down and lifted Mitch's arm over her shoulder. " it's just to easy."
Michael scoffed. He reached for Mitch's other arm but the woman pulled him away. " you took care of him the last two times I'll do it this time . Why don't you take care of dinner ."
Michael frowned "You want me to eat a squirrel? Let alone skin it? "
The woman turned on her heels and started back to the camp site. " or you can starve, up to you ."

He sighed and looked after her then at the dead squirrel. " it's gonna take more than a squirrel to feed the three of us," he mumbled as he pulled the spear out  of the tree.

The setting sun rays trickled through the thick leaves of trees and bushes, a few of them resting on Mitch's eyelids.
He grunted and shifted to position his face away from the sunlight . The ground he laid on was unusually smooth and his laid on something strangely warm .
Laying there he thought to himself, ' Am I back home? In my bed?'
His hands felt around where he slept. ' so soft blanket ?'
His hands rubbed what held up his head. ' firm ... yet also soft like.. fur.'

" you're not gonna have that hand much longer if you continue." Said a voice.
Though the voice was a familiar it didn't bring about happy thoughts. In a second time Mitch's was on his feet and with his arms covering his head.
The woman stood to her feet and crossed her arms over her chest again her stone sharp features was dressed in amusement.
Mitch finally put his guard down and looked up at her.
" I didn't mean to.. I was half sleep.."

"It's fine you only felt my shin coverings , I was teasing."
Her accent was heavy but her words was crisp.

Mitch gulped and scratched his head, "Oh.."
That what all he could say ,the most prominent emotion
he felt in that moment was confusion. Plus a million questions was creating a tornado within him.
'Why did she take us?' 'How long till mom and dad sends a search party?' 'What does she want from us?'
" if she was going to kill us wouldn't she have done so by now!?"


"Huh ? She answered can she read minds?"

"No, but you write your thoughts on your face so I guess it's safe to say I can read yours."

Mitch yelped from the sudden appearance of his brother holding a makeshift basket full of flaked squirrel meat.
"You were thinking out loud again. Remind me never to become a hostage with you again in the future."

" it's not like I do it purposely..." Mitch walked over to fire pit they had been using for the last few days and began to start a fire again .

Moments passed and dinner was served .

"It's been two whole days and neither of you asked my name. Nor why I took you," The woman finished the last of her food and set down her plate that was no more than a slate of wood. " Am I to assume you already know?"

Mitch and Michael looked at her then to each other and then back at her.
" Yea we know of you, yes," Michael placed is plate down.
" but we don't know, You." Mitch said said setting aside is barely touched meal. "We did some digging and noticed something."

She raised a brow, " oh, and what is that you noticed?"

"You aren't mentioned in the paper." Michael folds his arms over his chest. "In fact unless my fool me you are not the guy we saw in the woods with a spear through his chest."

"That being said", Mitch turned his body towards her. "Who are you and what is your name ?"

She looked at the fire,her once warm expression vanished and was once again replaced with the stone cold mask the boys had first met her with.
"My name is Lilian , Lilian chuwleedee."

Michael eyes nearly bulged out of his skull. "Chuwleedee? Like Sam Chuwleedee? Does that mean're ?"

"Yes , I am Sam's kin , her older sister."

Spear Forest जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें