Chapter fifteen

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"MITCH , MITCH MITCHY MY BROTHER!" Michael sprinted to his brother's side who was laid out on the grass on his back.He and along with the rest of the gang and grandpa Dean gathered around him.
" Mitch my boy. WHY?!" Dean cried out. Sam and Agatha were bawling.
Lilian caress his face, her eyes were bloodshot from tears and her face stricken with sorrow. Mitch coughed , a trickle of blood escaped his lips. He slowly lifted his hand and caressed Lilian's face. "Behind you."
In a quick movement Lilian peered over her shoulder and saw a spear headed straight for her temple. She caught it barehanded in the nick of time .
With the spear still in hand she leaned forward and kissed Mitch's cheek. " You can not die here now that I owe you my life."
Lilian's face shifted from soft to stone as she stood to her feet. " Sam and everyone prepare the purity stones ." She turned to lee who had a grin on his face.
" I thought since we are kin I'd take it easy on you but," She whipped the tail of her staff between them, grazing his cheek in the process. It caught lee off guard , " You really have lost all reason."
Lilian moved swifter and smoother than before never missing a shot even when lee tried to block. Though he didn't need to he barely had time take a breather. Lilian was merciless .

As she fought Sam and the others did what they were told they found Lilian's white purity stones and formed a circle a round the campsite.
Lilian caught on to the finished preparations. Moving strategically she was able to pull lee right in the perfect spot . " This is your END!" Lilian leaped and cocked her staff back preparing for launch. She launched as soon as lee was directly over the needle of the same spear that was through Mitch. With all her might she brought down the tail of her staff. It went straight through Lee's right chest as the other spear came up from behind and directly through his existing wound.

Lee grunted and screamed in frustration. He was stuck.
Lilian put two fist together in front of her chest, preparing for the purification and passing ritual. " As a token of kinship I shall grant you a little mercy."
She looked at Mr. Dean and motioned him to step forward. " Please enlighten us of the truth."

Mr Dean nodded and looked at lee who was glaring at him. Mr. Dean was gravely shaken but still stood his ground and returned Lee's gaze.

"Andy Chuwleedee, that day . When you and your family was chased out of town Michael and I saw you and the others flee into the forest. Michael had realized too late his greed and selfishness had caused. He chased after you all to atleast apologize to their mother Leah. By the time I caught up to you guys ,you and Michael was going back and forth with each other about a child." Mr Dean and lee slowly looked over at Sam who was among the others clinging to each other . Lee's face softened and motion her to step forward and when she did he reached for her face but his hand went straight through.
" I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to you ."
Sam begin to cry her legs gave and she collapsed on her knees. Mudon rushed to her side.
Mr.lee looked down at mudon and pointed his finger. " you take good care of my granddaughter or I'll personally return for your head."
It took a lot out of Mudon to not pass out. He gulped and nodded his head. " That goes without saying sir."
Lee nodded turned back to Mr.Dean.
" Continue the boy beneath me is running out of time."
At that everyone shot their attention back to Mitch. A smirk raised on his lips. " Thank you 'Cough' s-sir."
Lilian's furrowed her brows . " Quickly Gramps!"
"You fell into a trap a trap made for hunting bigger game. Michael didn't push you infact both of you slipped but you were closest to the edge. Michael flailed his arms for balance his hand grazed your chest but he did not actually push you over."
Lee was silent for a moment. He then looked at Lilian " She taught you well , my love still got it."
Lilian smiled faintly. " Tell grandma I said hello."
" sure thing, truth is I knew I was just angry I couldn't save my granddaughter. I felt like I failed my family." Tears and weld up in his eyes. Sam stood to her feet with mudon's help. " Grandpa you didn't fail , I met amazing people I have friends who are my family. Grandpa I don't hate you."
"And neither do I grandfather, no one blames you. Now please rest easy." Lilian wiped a tear.
Lee gave a soft smile and turned his gaze to the sky. " Take me to my wife sweetheart."
At that Lilian commanded everyone to step back and lay on the ground. Once everyone was in place. Lilian begin to play her part. Her hands danced and formed symbols know one knew about her arms swayed around her body and though her feet were bare they pranced as if she was walking on air.
Suddenly Lilian came to an halt in a peculiar pose . Her hands were clasped together a over her head, arms stretched out she stood tall on one leg with the other bent to form a triangle yet her foot didn't touch her leg.
She closed her eyes and exhaled , holding it.
It was silent not a cricket not a bird not a frog or toad and not anyone above several years old, made a sound.
It was like time had stopped.
As if she had been shocked ,Lilian's eyes flew open and she inhaled as deep as she could. At that same moment trees begin to sway violently in a sudden wind and the purity rocks slowly begin to rise from their resting point. Lilian swung her arms down and pointed them at lee.

" *ADAHII!" The stones quickly came flying forward, forming a silhouette around his body.
Lilian unclasped her hands faced her palms outward . Suddenly the rocks begin to radiate a bright white light .
She then balled her fist back up causing now for the rocks to seemingly lift him off the spear. Sams staff lifted itself up out of his chest and levitated at her side. Then just before she said the final words , she saw her grandfather mouth something.
"*RAHDEE!" And just like that , her grandfather was no longer . The stones slowly fell to the ground always left was sparkly dust that swept away in the wind.

She watched as it faded completely away. " I love you too. Grandfather."
*Adahaii- Adhere
*Rahdee- Release

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