The day we decided to come clean

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"It's creeping up on us," Lauren side-eyed her fiancee as they laid together in their bed one restful night. They're managed to tuck their daughter into bed with relative ease for the first time...well, ever. Since Camila had entered Natalia's life, it was like she hadn't wanted to miss a single moment with the celebrity and so it had always been difficult to get her settled for the night. "Think you'll chicken out?"

"I've had ample opportunities," Camila rolled her eyes as they settled on the glow-in-the-dark stars scattered all over the ceiling. "It would be a bit cruel of me to up and leave now, don't you think?"

"Teenage Lauren and teenage Camila would be losing their minds right about now." Green eyes found their gaze looking up at the ceiling as well. A pale hand searched for a tanned one under the covers and smiles settled on both sets of lips as fingers tangled with each other. "This is forever, right?"

"Without a shadow of a doubt." The younger girl confirmed with the utmost confidence, because she'd worked far too hard for what she had with the woman beside her to ever let anything come between them. This had to be forever, there was simply no other option. "You nervous because of everything that happened with your divorce with Ash?"

"Kind of," Lauren knew that keeping her insecurities to herself wouldn't bode well for them. Camila deserved the opportunity to reassure her always. "I was so sure about my marriage to her as well, I mean, everyone is always sure when they walk into a marriage, they don't foresee anything coming between that, so when we said the word divorce to one just hit that...some promises can be broken."

"Then let's not make any promises," The brunette began to count the stars in her mind. "We don't need the added pressure of ensuring to uphold promises when we could simply live the life we know want...with each other. Lauren," She turned to her side so she could face the older woman beside her. "If by some unfortunate twist of fate we're not who we're supposed to be for each other, I don't want you to stop believing in love all together. I don't want you to give up on the concept of finding your soulmate. And though I am certain that's me, I want to be sure that...if I'm won't give up on finding them."

"You'd still want me to be happy...even if it wasn't with you?"

"You are my best friend," Camila reminded the raven-haired woman. "You have always been my best friend and I have always just wanted you to be happy, idiot. That'll never change."

Lauren to her side as well and cupped Camila's cheek gently, leaning forward for their lips to lock in the dark. "I'm pretty certain you're my soulmate as well."

"Good," Camila brushed their lips against one another again briefly. "Are you thinking about chickening out?"

"I mean, only if I can convince Lucy to leave Vero."

"I have dibs on Lucy!" Camila slapped her love's arm playfully.

"I dated her!"

"She liked me first, you were a rebound."

"I can't believe she told you, I'll never hear the end of it."

"Rightfully so," Camila scoffed. "I could've dated Lucy Vives throughout my high school years, can you imagine how completely mentally stable I would've been?"

"You couldn't handle Lucy," Lauren rolled her eyes and caught Camila's frown after she'd said the words. "Lucy is...wild in bed."

"I'm wild in bed." The younger girl was eager to chime in.

"You wouldn't have been able to handle Lucy." Lauren stood by her prior statement with no intention of changing her tone on it.

"Shut up." Camila rolled over to her other side only to feel Lauren's arm sneak around her waist and a warm body press against her from behind.

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