Inu x Boku SS (Anime) Part Two - Characters reflection [Spoilers]

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Yes, I know that I have already written a discussion for Inu x Boku, but I have recently come back to it and have more to discuss that I didn't in the previous discussion. 

I introduced my friend to anime, and the second one I suggested to watch with her was Inu x Boku SS. Inu x Boku has always been a special anime to me since the frist time I watched it, and I have just come to the realisation as to just how special it really is after watching it for a second time. It's a short anime, but it's perfect in it's entirety. 

In my last discussion, I said things like the hentai-ish moments pulled it down, but now I have different opinions. I have decided that as cringe-worthy as they are, they are moments that make Inu x Boku, Inu x Boku - it adds to it's comedy or it's 'cheeky yet sincere' effect. I watched a 'live action' interview/ gathering of the Japanese voice actors of Inu x Boku, on YouTube. There were two videos, one that was about 2 hours and one that was about an hour and a half, and I watched both of them - mind you, there were no english subtitles, it was just me watching and listening with my little knowledge of Japanese language and gestures and references to the anime. I do greatly wish there was a version with english subtitles; I found it hilarious as it was, but I would find it a whole deal more if I understood exactly what they were saying and the jokes they were making xD Anyways, watching this live action brought me a lot closer to the anime as a whole and I developed a different love for each individual character as well as their voice actor. So watching the anime a second time round after watching that, I found myself constantly finding references to the live action, and appreciated the funny moments a lot more with each character. 

The whole 'S' and 'M' - sadist and masochist categorisation thing, became a constant reference between me and my fellow otaku xD We joined in on the action and calling everyday things 'esu' and 'emu'. Fun times. 

I love all the characters; Ririchiyo-sama, Miketsukami-kun, Nobara-chan, Karuta, Watanuki, Natsume-chan, Sorinozuka, and Kagerou! I also love all those extra random characters that have such hilarious personalities. Sometimes I may not remember all their names, like Sorinozuka, but I definitely remember their characters, so here goes:

Ririchiyo-sama: I tend to call her the way Soushi does, just because its cute and repetitive in the anime. She reminds me of myself, the way she puts on a front and finds it hard to be close to someone or socialise. I love her uniform! What I would do to have such a cute uniform for school! I would love to cosplay as her sometime c; My favourite scene with Ririchiyo-sama is the scene in the last episode where she realises Miketsukami's feelings about himself, and resolves to confessing, where she later does that repetitive expression of her love. That scene where they both keep declaring their love for each other, over and over, is perfection. It makes my heart melt everytime. My favourite thing Ririchiyo does, is when she has a goal set, and goes off into her own world, and Watanuki and Karuta are in the background like "Chiyo? What are you doing?" and then she does a little righteous fist pump. 

Miketsukami-kun: Just like Ririchiyo, I tend to keep the 'kun' <3 He is such a gentle character, yet can get so dark one minute and cheeky the next! I adore his plead for affection from Ririchiyo-sama, it slowly becomes more and more as they become closer.  One of my favourite scenes with Miketsukami-kun, is when he is fighting Kagerou and Ririchiyou-sama arrives on the same floor, out of the elevator, and Kagerou and him are saying some naughty things. Miketsukami says something like "I fool others with my calm demeanor, but really I am a filthy *bleep* and a pervert- " And then in a flash says "Oh Ririchiyo-sama, good morning." smiling sweetly again. :'D Another favourite scene is in the special episode, oh I love that episode, when he is changing forms to try to make Ririchiyo feel more 'comfortable' around him. I tried imagining him doing the same things he was doing, as his original form, oh how hentai-ish he would be xD haha.

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