I saw how she swung her hips and it grinded my gears. Lisa knows Dean and I are a couple and here she is, trying to flirt with Dean.

I sighed in relief when Lisa went to a different classroom to us. It looks to be permanent, Lisa not being in my classes anymore.

I tried my hardest on not letting it get to me as I concentrated in Maths then Dean and I walked home.

Tommy drove Steph but Dean and I wanted to walk and that's what we did. He walked me right up to the front door before we kissed and parted ways.

My sleep didn't happen on Thursday night and I borrowed some make up of Steph to help cover up the bags under my eyes.

"It is those bad dreams I'm having." I assured her as we went to the car. Dean was driving today and I slid in the back seat with Steph. We said our good mornings and when we arrived at school, we parted ways. Tommy and Steph went one way and Dean took me another way.

We skipped assembly as we hid behind a building as I pulled Dean's tie, bringing him closer to me as we kissed. His hands covered my face and my fingers ran through his hair, pulling at it.

The urge that I got every time we kissed was getting stronger and stronger, me wanting to gulp down my fear and take that leap with him.

When we started hearing other students, we pulled apart, knowing assembly was finished as we quickly straightened ourselves up.

I flattened my hair from Dean's fingers tangling it and straightened his tie as he tucked his shirt back in, I didn't notice that I pulled his shirt out as I was gripping his clothes. I pulled at the hem of my skirt, tugging it down slightly and then we left for geography.

"Wanna head to mine after school?" Dean asked casually as we got to the class room door, waiting for the room to open. "We can hang out, jam, make out, whatever." Was his casual tone and it made me laugh.


"The old man won't be home. He is going away again this weekend."


Dean ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah. He is seeing someone. Haven't met her yet." I saw the frown on his face.

Mr Richards came to the door and unlocked the classroom, letting us in. We piled in, filling our seats immediately as class begun.

At the end of the day, my last lesson, music was finally over and as I left the room, I saw Dean standing nearby, waiting for me.

We walked, hand in hand to his car, talking about our own music lessons, meeting up with Steph and Tommy.

"Hey. Wanna come hang?" Dean asked them as he unlocked the car.

"Can't man. Sorry. I gotta go to the city with my mother. Staying with family out that way." Tommy stated as he got in the car.

"I wish." Steph groaned out, also getting in the car. I was at the front seat and turned to her in the back.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Mum messaged me twenty minutes ago. I've gotta go and fly to Cairns. Of all places. Urgh. I hate it up there."

"What's up there?" I inquired.

"My grandmother." I saw Steph roll her eyes. "Apparently at the very last minute, she decided she wanted a seventieth birthday party. So mum and I are flying up in three hours."

"Don't you hate those last minute things?" Tommy grumbled out.

I however started to zone out. Dean knew because he immediately took my hand just after starting the car. "It's cool. We will keep ourselves occupied."

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