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(Y/n) Pov

For so long I waited to see him 707, the hacker, Saeyoung Choi and most of all...

A boy I once knew.


Saeyoung doesn't even look like he's working, what the hell is up with him? Why is there so many chip bags and soda cans about? At least try to care for where you work, or at the very least an attempt would be nice. Alright about two more feet closer and then I can strike- "Okay, you can come out now" Wait what? "I know you're there, I'm not that lazy at knowing when someone manages to hack their way in" Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit

3rd Pov

"So you wanna come out now?" "Fuck it" (Y/n) held both hands up and walked into view and automatically the red head in front of her seemed to perk up a bit "So what type of persona are you gonna have, last guy was had such a mean temper. Big asshole if you ask me" (Y/n) looked at 707 her eyes seeming to brighten a bit. "I think I know who you're talking about! Dave is such a big asshole he's always lurking about like what the hell are you doing all the time?" (Y/n) shook her head after getting off topic "That doesn't matter, how did you know I was here?" "You're not the first and not the last person to try and kill me, but I'm impressed you got closer than most. Mainly people would charge in you're a quiet one, I like that"

"What's next, you'll kill me now?" "What makes you think I'm such a bad person like that?" "Oh sure a notorious hacker would let the people who try to kill him be free?" "I mean I could stop you, but I'm not a fan of that so I'll let you be, but on one condition"

(Y/n) scowled and rolled her eyes "Do tell the condition you wish to give me" "Tell me why you are here?" (Y/n) blushes a bit and averted her eyes from him "You know that, don't you?" "Yes on record, but I want to hear it from you" "Fine, Saeyoung" Saeyoung flinched "What?"

"You don't remember?" "What are you going on about?" "Stupid red head you left me! You left with no trace and I was all alone again, you promised you would be there and yet you didn't even care to tell me" Saeyoung's eyes widened before he stood up "(Y/n)..? You mean the (Y/n) from..." He trailed off and (Y/n) pouted "Oh look now you remember how fun" "No one told you?" "Told me what?" (Y/n) tilted her head and Saeyoung pushed his glasses up "(Y/n) my mother had done things to me and Saeran so I left with Rika and V to help them all in the end. I'm sorry I left without a word, I had asked V to tell you but it seems he obviously didn't" (Y/n) furiously wiped away a tear and looked up at Saeyoung "I missed you" "So did I"

(Y/n) dropped the dagger and lowered her arms "I'll leave you now, I'll tell them you put up a fight and then I can quit"

"I have two more questions (Y/n)"


"Will you still visit me?"

"If you let me"

"Lastly, if you could, would you have killed me?"

"I don't think so... Maybe this was an excuse to see you once more but honestly I don't know what it was"




This was requested by @Ninetails Neko

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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