chapter 20

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" ELLA!!!!!" I RUN towards her lifeless body that is now lying on the ground we try everything to wake her up but in vain

" Ian we have to take her to the hospital NOW!!!!" SAYS Orlando and carries her to the car

Anna and Chris following right behind us

I am worried out of my mind ....please let her be okay I can't lose her

it felt like hours....the longest ride of my life ..but it was only a few minutes until we arrived at the hospital

everything happened so quickly....nurses arriving taking my sister away from me putting her on the bed and rolling her away taking her behind those closed doors where I can't see her

and one hour later a doctor emerges from that door and we all run towards him


" Sir please calm down ...she's ok she fainted due to shock ...she will be awake in the next couple of hours you can see her but don't make any noise and call me as soon as she wakes up"

I don't wait to hear anymore...i don't want to hear anymore I just want to see her

I open the door to her room ...there ..on the hospital bed my sister hooked to wires , IVs, and a heart monitor and she's lifeless...again

he just causes trouble ..this sad excuse of a father she was fine until he decided to show up

"Is she ok??? " Karan says

I forgot he was here...

" what are you doing here ?!!?? you've done enough already just go back to where you came from and leave us alone," I say trying my best not to shout. I don't want to disturb her

" please ian ... I really feel guilty ... I want to make it up for you guys ..."

I was going to reply when I heard her voice

" ian ??! " she says her voice tired

" Ella !!?? are you ok??? does your head hurt ??!!"

I say rushing to her side and pressing the help button

the doctor comes in followed by a nurse

" Miss Ella I see you you're awake ... does your head hurt ?? "

" a little bit ..yeah "

" do you know those people in the room ?? "

" yes.... this is Ian my brother ..these two are Orlando and Chris ... this Girl is Anna "

" Good ....and who's this person ?? " the doctor asks pointing at Karan

she looked at him for a while then turned her head away from him

" he's Karan...the father who left me and my brother alone three years ago..."

this shocked us to silence ...she remembers him... that he left

" she seems good no memory loss she has a concussion but it will be all good in a week or so if she rests will... I will write some medicine for her if she feels dizzy and she can be discharged first thing in the morning... I just want to make sure everything is okay ... I will leave you now "

and with that, he left us alone

"I remember everything now ...the accident and all
you and mom were fighting before that wasn't you ?.... and ....and when I went out to wait for mom in the car....her car.... you were doing something to it said you were fixing it "

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