chapter 4

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Mum and Ella  went to eat Ice cream two hours ago .. and dad went to visit his friend and will come later tonight but... mom and Ella are late and none of them answered the phone

I try to calm my self saying that they may be decided to buy clothes or something or maybe makeup?
but why aren't they answering their phone?!

my phone rings pulling me out of my thoughts
the ID is unknown


"is this Ian ?"

"yes, that's me. speaking??"

"I am nurse merry from st. Claire hospital... are you related to a girl named Ella?"

" Yes!! she's my sister ... what happened to her ?!! "

" I am sorry to inform you that she's been involved in a car accident... she was in the car with another  woman named Isabella  a.."

" That's my mom is she ok?!!"

" I am sorry but ... she died on impact ...the girl hit her head really hard.. she is in a coma right now"

I end the call and it's like the world stopped  my mom died.. my baby sister's in a comma  everything changed in a second 

I snap out of my thoughts ride the car and race to the hospital  I try calling my father but his phone is switched off

I arrive at the hospital  and head quickly head to the receptionist

" Ella Rose ... where is she? " I ask her out of breath and worried 

" Who are you? "
"I am her brother where's she!!!! "
I ask her my patience is wearing off 
" room  200 "
and with that, I race to the room
I am not going to wait for the elevator so I run up the stairs. Finally, I find the room, and what I see behind the door is shocking

There...on this big hospital bed lies my sister ...color drained from her face .. a bandage wrapped around her face ... she's so still .. not her  bubbly self
she's connected to all sorts of machines  .. still, she looks like an angel..the only indicator that she's  alive is the constant sound of the heart monitor

There's a knock on the room's door And a doctor comes in  he looks at me confused

" Who are you ?? " 
"I am Ella's sister "
" oh.. good evening sir I am doctor Liam I am looking after your sister" 

"  what's wrong with her? "

" her head was cracked open due to impact... we had to shave some of her hair  to stitch the wound but..."

he stops  not sure if he should  continue

" but what ?!! what's wrong ?!!"

"there is a huge possibility that her brain is damaged due to  the impact.. but we will know when she wakes up "

" and when is that? "

" We don't know maybe days ..weeks... months or... never "I look at him with wide eyes
" but this is not likely to happen " he adds quickly

It will not happen ... she will not leave me ... I can't live without her... I will not let her go!

" If you need any help press this red button  a nurse  will come immediately "

"Thank you "    " it's my job "  and with that, he left

I sit on the chair beside her bed and hold her cold hands in mine. her hands are small .. so small
she's always been so small for her age she always hated that... I always carried her when she was just a toddler  and throw her in the air 

" you're not going to leave me ok?.. I will not allow it " and I drift to sleep  holding her hand  in mine

A memory once gone...can come back  [completed]✅✅Where stories live. Discover now