chapter 8

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finally, we are out of the hospital... I never want to go back again

we all head to the mansion and the moment the door is opened all the memories came rushing at me .....memories of the happy family we once were a father a mother and two children....and now the mother is dead ..the father disappeared and it's only the two children are left

every part here reminds me of mum her laughter ...the smell of her cooking everything

the house is silent and cold and I want to run away... I want to cry and scream but I can't not in front of Ella ... she needs me right now

" Ella why don't you go get some sleep it's been a long day for you??"
"can you stay with me until I sleep ??" "sure honey "

as a small child I always slept with her to protect her from the monsters she said come at night and lately I've been sleeping with her ..when mom and dad were fighting ... I would hold her until she fell asleep

I look down at her to find that her sleeping deeply
I pull the covers up to her chin and go downstairs to find guys seated on the couch silently

" what are you going to do? " asks Orlando

"I want to go back to Italy and stay there forever ...there is nothing left for me here anyways... this house is cold and empty brings memories I don't want to remember
we can stay in the mansion there and Ella will be homeschooled ....but I have to talk about it with Ella first... I will not force anything on her "

"I thought you will buy a new house?" Chris asked

I wanted to buy a new house but thinking about it now it's useless unless Ella doesn't want to leave the country and want to live here in this mansion

"I don't know.... it all depends on Ella ...if she wants to live here I can't force her out"

" just know that we will support you no matter what you want to do ok?"

Orlando says " thank you guys ... I owe you "

" you don't that's what brothers do, " Chris says

I am grateful for these guys really

everyone heads to their rooms and I head to Ella's I find her awake though starring at the shelf full of stuffed animals her eyes trained on that white bunny mom bought her a long time ago she loves that bunny

" Hey honey ...why are you awake now ?? did you have a nightmare??"

" no... I don't want to sleep no more....bubby? what happens now??"

"I was thinking we can go back to Italy and live there... we can live there in the mansion and you will continue your studies online just like here"

" we will not stay here??"

" if you want to stay here we will stay I you want to go to Italy then we go .. we can buy a new mansion here if you don't want to stay here... I will do whatever you want"

"I don't want to stay here....mommy's not here... I love Italy... I live there "

" Whatever you want love," I said hugging her

" can I take bunny, teddy, and monkey with me??"

Teddy is a stuffed animal I got her and monkey is the one she got from Chris and Orlando

" of course love you can take whatever you want with you"

" bubby? will ris and Lando live with us there ??"

"I don't know can ask them that"

" of course we will never leave you little monkey!!!!!"

Orlando and Chris said in the same time they ran inside the room and attacked Ella tickling her and I joined them

and for one peaceful moment the sad thoughts left my head Ella's laughs and giggles chasing them away

and for the first time I am truly happy

A memory once gone...can come back  [completed]✅✅Where stories live. Discover now