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"And they roared as loud as thunder
and carried lightning
in the strike of their cruelty,
but what are thunder and lightning
to fearless girls who are used
to carrying entire storms
and hurricanes
in their fingertips?"

"And they roared as loud as thunderand carried lightning in the strike of their cruelty,but what are thunder and lightningto fearless girls who are used to carrying entire stormsand hurricanes in their fingertips?"

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September 7th - 1976

''A  what?''  Hope Mikaelson asked the Headmaster with a confused frown adorning her face while her eyes narrowed at the concerned glint in his periwinkle blue eyes.

''A horcrux, Miss Marshall is the word used for an object in which a person has concealed a fragment of their soul. Well, you split your soul, you see, and hide part of it in an object outside the body. Then, even if one's body is attacked or destroyed, one cannot die, for part of the soul remains earthbound and undamaged. To create a Horcrux, a wizard first had to deliberately commit murder of a person without regret or remorse - making the creator immortal. This act, is said to be the most supreme act of evil, and would result in the murderer metaphysically damaging their own soul''.

Hope staggered backwards, her mind swirling, until she let out a slow controlled breath and attempted  loosen her grip on the wooden chair next to her. She started pacing from side to side like a clockwork soldier. Hope gave her shoulders a wiggle, lolled her head in a small circular motion, closed her eyes and counted to ten. It was a decent effort to calm herself, enough to fool the casual observer, but for the aging Headmaster who's keen eyes watched her every movement, she was a walking advert for tension. Her eyes were a battle between gold and blue that moved with the alertness that comes from heavy shock and stress and her hands remained clenched by subconscious demand causing little droplets of blood to fall on the dark wood floor.

She looked at the Headmaster with anger and  worry flashing in her eyes ''But who would be so desperate to live - It's him, isn't it? Voldemort!''

''I believe so, Miss Marshall. And something tells me that is not the only horcrux he has made. In all the years he studied at Hogwarts he was an intelligent and ambitious young man, but he had an unusual interest for forms of black magic and immortality. One thing that caught my attention is where he would find such knowledge - all the books that mention how to create a horcrux can be found on private libraries of purebloods linked to black magic such as the Blacks, Lestranges, Mafoys amongst others''.

''Professor, I don't get it. If Voldemort wants to be immortal, why not turn into a vampire?'' Hope asked with a confused frown marring her features.

Albus Dumbledore looked at her with a thoughtful expression, his mouth turning up in a resemblance of amusement ''Tom would never accept becoming something he deems impure or so below the great wizard he claims to be''

Hope snorted in amusement when the sudden thought of her father's reaction to this statement came to her. She could see the mischievous and murderous glint in his blue eyes eager to prove him wrong.

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