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"She wore her truth in her eyes
molded stones
of love and tragedy
freckled constellations
of pleasures and pain
from a life's true story."

September 4th - 1976

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September 4th - 1976

Lily Evans couldn't sleep that night. After watching her friends sleeping soundly, exhausted by tonight's revelations, she got up and went to sit on the windowsill looking out into the dark night. She grabbed her wand near the table and muttered quietly ''Silencio''.  She leaned forward, placed her head in her hands and sobbed. Huge body-shaking sobs racked Lily's body, each coming in a wave, and, with every sob, she let out a low whimper. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw the memories of the destroyed cottage in Godric's Hollow, her son crying in his crib and Sirius imprisonment as if they were happening again, causing her to wept once more.

It was different this time. She had cried before, but not like tonight. Lily remembered crying when she was a child and fell of her bicycle, bruising her knees. She remembered crying when she went to Hogwarts for the first time and her sister refused to talk with her. She also cried last summer because of her broken friendship with a childhood friend. Tonight, when she let her tears fall there was a rawness to it, like the pain was an open wound. The sobs were stifled at first as she attempted to hide her grief, then overcome by the wave of her emotions she would break down entirely, all her defenses washed away in those salty tears dripping in her lap.

After half an hour, her sobs were almost non-existent. She looked at her reflection in the window and wasn't surprised that her eyes were puffy red and her hair was slightly knotted by the many times she grabbed it in anger and despair. Lily took a deep breath and once more stared at the dark night. She wasn't mad at Hope's confession, that she was part of the supernatural royalty, albeit that information took her by surprise, it made sense. The way she acted, all the confidence she had as if she had nothing to fear. She knew that this was just a way to hide what she really felt, her friend didn't feel comfortable opening up to people outside her own family. That's why she pretended everything was fine and was quick to turn down Sirius.

The first time Lily noticed a change in her behavior was this morning after her conversation with Professor Dumbledore. Her friend was miles away and when she asked what had happened, Hope's blue eyes showed deep sorrow. Throughout the day, Hope despite attending all the lessons and talking with them as if nothing had happened, Lily knew something was wrong and now she understood why.

Hope knew what the future held for them, she thought furiously - not at her friend, but to the universe. She wanted to go outside and let it all out, she wanted to scream at the sky and ask why. Her thoughts turned bitter and she concluded that this was the universe's way to mock her.

Lily did everything young. Her first words were spoken when she was six months old, she learned how to ride a bike without training wheels when she was four years old. At the age of five she won her first academic award; when she was eleven she received her letter and in her excitement to learn magic at Hogwarts, she memorized her curriculum until her forth year. And so it was that, in spite everything she had done, and everything could have been, she guessed in some twisted way that death should come young for her as well.

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