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"There were always those nights
where her mind
went to war with her heart
the fight between
what she knew
what she felt
and what she had to do.
Sometimes the hardest decisions
are made under the moon."

September 6th - 1976

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September 6th - 1976

The first time Sirius Black saw Hope Marshall on September 1st was in King's Cross Station, a few minutes before she crossed the barrier. He had tuned out James constant rant about how he would woo Lily Evans this year, and started to look around the crowded station in search for a most welcome distraction. There were some students giggling near him, trying to grab his attention, but he paid them no mind, until he saw her, a few meters ahead staring at the barrier that would lead to the platform nine and three quarters. He took in her chestnut brown hair tumbling down her back in soft waves, her ivory complexion, head held high with a smirk playing in her pink lips, as well her Hogwarts trunk, which took him by surprise - he was sure he would remember seeing someone like her around the castle.

The second time he saw her was on Hogwarts Express chatting with Lily Evans, and he couldn't help himself  but to get lost in her deep blue eyes that sparkled with mischief and hidden secrets. He shook his head and smirked at her, in which she merely raised an eyebrow at that. When he tried to flirt with her, Hope's answer left him dumbfounded and confused at the obvious turn down, making his friends laugh at his expanse.

As the week passed, Sirius couldn't help but feel intrigued and drawn to her. There were a few times during classes that he caught himself staring at her,  memorizing every single detail he could about her. He watched her mannerisms, how she bit her lip when she was concentrated in her drawings or when doing her essays; how she acted with such confidence, never backing down from a confrontation;  how her face was always a blank mask of emotions. During their time in the Astronomy Tower, when they shared their first talk without all the flirting and teasing, he became enwrapped in the mystery that was Hope Marshall. She understood more than anyone, what it was to be considered a villain just because of your family, which he found it odd - he didn't remember seeing the name Marshall anywhere in the papers or in any history books.

As if to add to the number of things that made Hope Marshall intriguing, she was a werewolf. How could he miss it? He remembered the story Hope told them about the wolves of New Orleans and the pain they went through when turning, and how Remus pointed out, that she spoke like she experienced before; and it also made sense why Moony, respected her and wasn't wary of her, almost as if it knew, she wasn't a threat to him, at least.

Sirius shook his head, silently wishing to stop thinking about her. She made him feel things he wasn't used to, after all he wasn't an expert on romance. He had, in fact, never been  in anything resembling an even relatively long term relationship, he also didn't plan breaking this perfect record.

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