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"Where dwell the brave at heart"

"Where dwell the brave at heart"

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September 2nd - 1976

The Great Hall was buzzing with chatter and laughter when Hope walked through the mahogany doors not uttering a word since she left the Common Room. Marlene and Alice teased Hope about being nervous for her first day of school and quickly telling her that  soon she would adapt to Hogwarts. However, Lily realized that Hope was miles away and that the first day of school was probably not one of her biggest concerns. When looking at her new friend, she saw something in her cerulean eyes, a mixture of sorrow and anger, as if those two emotions were in a battle with each other, and as soon Hope noticed Lily staring at her, she quickly schooled her expression to a carefully crafted blank mask.

They soon found a place to sit at the Gryffindor table where Hope started filling her plate with bacon and eggs and some pumpkin juice, but before the conversation started, the group were interrupted by Professor McGonagall who handed them all their class schedules, before turning towards Hope.

"Welcome to Gryffindor House, Miss Marshall. I believe that Miss Evans, Miss Prewett and Miss McKinnon explained a little about Hogwarts and the classes you are taking. Your grades are among the best I have seen, and I expect that you will keep up your good work" she advised. Then she paused and looked to a few seats to her right where a group of boys were talking in hushed whispers "And please, do no let those miscreants influence you too much'' she concluded.

"How dare you Professor! Sprouting lies about four fine young gentleman to Miss Marshall!" Sirius cut in with a mocking yelp, clutching his chest dramatically.

Professor McGonagall rose an eyebrow at the silver eyed boy, but couldn't help the corner of her mouth twitching slightly.

"For Merlin sake, go to class" she said exasperated and walked away.

After Hope finished her breakfast, she and Lily said their goodbyes to Marlene and Alice, and started heading towards the ancient runes class with Professor Borealis. But before they could walk through the Great Hall doors, James and Sirius quickly caught up with them along with Remus and Peter not far behind.

Lily scowled ''Potter. Black. What do you want? Can't see that we are going to class?''

"No need to get your knickers in a twist, Evans. I was actually going to ask Hope of how opposed she is to marry me" Sirius said flirtatiously.

James and Remus sighed while Peter was looking towards Hope with greedy eyes.

Before Lily could snap at Sirius, Hope beat her to it "Nothing. I can't talk and laugh at the same time.''

James, Remus, Lily and Peter couldn't hold back their laughter at the dejected look that appeared in Sirius aristocratic features.

"That's twice now Padfoot. Looks like Hope is immune to your charms." James teased his best friend. "And now, with his failed second attempt of wooing Hope, we bid you ladies goodbye'' and dragged Sirius with him before he could make a fool of himself for a third time.

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