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"She lost herself in the trees
among the ever-changing leaves.
She wept beneath the wild sky
as stars told stories of ancient times.
The flowers grew towards her light
the river called her name at night.
She could not live an ordinary life
with the mysteries of the universe
hidden in her eyes."

September 3rd - 1976

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September 3rd - 1976

Hope Mikaelson entered the Charms classroom lost in thought. Her short walk from the Headmaster's Office to the end of the corridor where the Charms class would take place wasn't long enough to discover a way to tell her friends the truth. As much as she wanted to carry the weight of knowing the future just for herself, Dumbledore's words echoed in her head, if she wanted to change the future she saw, she needed help, it was the only way. But how to tell someone about her true identity? That she was a Mikaelson? How to tell your friend that she would marry the person she hates and that they would have a child, and that within five years she would be murdered with her husband? How could such a kind soul have such a terrible fate?

Hope's heart was pounding in agony and heartache just thinking about what would happen if she hadn't come to Hogwarts. Lily and James would be dead, Sirius Black would be arrested for a crime he did not commit, Peter Pettigrew would come out of this war unscathed and presumed to be dead and Remus Lupin would be all alone. Hope still didn't know what would happen to Marlene and Alice, but something in her heart said they wouldn't make it out of this war either.

She still didn't understand why she felt so connected to these people that she met two days ago. Such feelings should manifest themselves after some time, but why did she felt like that this early?

When she saw Lily waving at her to join them at one of the classroom desks, Hope Mikaelson stared at Lily's emerald green eyes shining with such happiness in them, and it was in this moment that she made a promise to herself. Harry Potter would have the family he deserved, she would make sure of that. She intended to fight in this war to ensure everyone had the endings they deserved. Her family surely would be against her intentions, they would probably try to reason with her that this war wasn't her concern, but it was. It has been since the moment she stepped into the castle. But Hope was determined, she would fight. Lord Voldemort would regret crossing her path, and if it was one thing the Mikaelsons were good at, was keeping promises.

A reckoning is coming his way.

Hope joined her friends and studied her surroundings. The classroom had three rows of desks, all facing the teacher's table, behind which sits a large upholstered wood chair with a high back. Two blackboards flakes each side of the teacher's table and behind them is a medium sized bookshelf with charms books and other objects, beneath a pair of windows.

''Everything alright, Hope?'' Alice questioned gently, seeing her friend's blank expression. Hope turned to her friend staring in her warm hazel eyes ''Honestly, I don't know'' and then turned to her other two friends ''Is it possible that I could talk with you three, this evening in our dorm room? It's really important'' Hope questioned her friends anxiously.

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