She will be waiting, and I don't want her to. I must call her.

Anxious, Aki reached for his spectacles, wore it, and grabbed his mobile phone. He's searching his contacts for her name when an incoming call flashed into his screen.

"Talk about coincidence," Aki smiled, pressing the answer button. "Hullo?"

"Aki san!" Bridgette's voice rang over the line. Hearing her voice is enough for him to get up that morning.

"Hey, calm down. Good morning."

"Uh, yeah, good morning. Aki san! I just woke up! I will be late, so please go ahead of me!"

Aki can't help but laugh. Talked about coincidence.

"Ne, don't laugh at me. My brother called me late last night, and I didn't got myself a proper sleep." she said. Aki was half hoping that she at least blushes when she said that. "I don't want you to wait so-"

"I'm still in bed."


Aki laughed again. "I'm still in bed. Hey, wanna go out instead?"

★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★

Ren was looking around the classroom for a sign of Bridgette. He wasn't been able to spend some time with her yesterday, now she's missing school. He slammed his face on his desk.

"Just where the hell are you? You're making me crazy, you know that?" he said, talking to her chair. Shuu and Haru were just looking at him.

"He's in love with her, huh?" Haru said while taking a bite from his brunch. "I just don't understand him. I don't get how Tsukishiro made him so stupid like that." Shuu answered. He sat down next to Haru and grabbed a tempura from his bento.

"Women are dangerous."

"Nah, they're troublesome." Shuu commented. And they just continued to watch Ren conversing with Bridgette's chair.

☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆

Bridgette was waiting for Aki right in front of the Shinjuku station. She still couldn't believe that she said yes to his crazy idea.

"Hey, wanna go out?"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm not in the mood to go to school today. Let's meet in the train station and enjoy our day."


Bridgette tapped her forehead. "Baka atashi!" She understand that this is a date, but she can't go back now after she stupidly say yes.

Of course he won't be there. We're skipping school, so it's impossible for that dumbass to come along.

"Bridgette! Omatase!" Aki said, breathing heavily after he rushed to her. Bridgette stared at him. "Have you been waiting?"

Tssch! I looked so eager because I was here earlier.

"No, I've just arrived."

"Sorry. Let's go?" Aki said, pulling her by her hand. Blood rushed up to Bridgette's head, her cheek capillaries exploding. She stared at him while they were practically running towards the bus.

"What is this all about?" she asked when they're finally seated in the vehicle. Aki grinned at her. "This?" he asked.

"Yes, this. You are the president of the student government, yet you're the one who suggest that we skip our classes."

Aki laughed at her. His very friendly aura makes her face redden a little more. "Sorry," he muttered. "I just want a break, that's all. Besides, I woke up late, too."

The Piano Romance (Notice Me, Senpai)Where stories live. Discover now