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Time went by so fast as it's already Thursday, almost a week since Seiran last saw Bridgette. Not seeing her seems like a double-edged blade for him- her absence had constantly making him go insane and the fact that she might hate him was enough to hold back the feelings he can no longer contain.

He had reconciled with Aki for that little fight they had. Aki hadn't seen Bridgette since then, too. Seiran tried waiting for her in the school gates afterschool but she always went ahead of him- she wasn't even in Amano sensei's office during breaks. He understands that she might be hurt with his words and he don't want to assume that it's because she felt the same as he do.

"Oi Aki, aren't you going to, you know, Tsukishiro?" He was playing with his pen and doodling some notes in his book, waiting for Aki to answer. "Yeah, I wanna see her. You coming?"

He just nodded and hid his book in his bag. "I need to talk to Tanaka."

"You're confessing?" Seiran didn't answered his question. In Aki's knowledge, he'd been always in love with Emi but still couldn't find the chance to ask if she's the same girl he'd met before. Meeting Bridgette made Seiran realise that he never really loved Emi- he's in love with that girl in the party ten summers ago and unless he had validated that she's the same person then he can't consider himself in love with her.

Somehow, Bridgette's existence had given him the courage to go to Emi and ask her who she really is. He's willing to let his ten-year infatuation go if Emi isn't that girl.

♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

Emi was fixing her things when Bridgette got up to go somewhere else. After witnessing her depression last Sunday, she can't help but be protective from Ren and the rest of the class who'd been questioning Bridgette for her sudden change. "Where are you going Bridgette?" she asked her. She really missed her smiles which became a rare thing to see.

Bridgette just mouthed "lavatory" and went ahead. Ren had gone tired of asking Emi what's wrong with Bridgette; he claimed that she was feeling better that Saturday night and wasn't expecting her to be so cold.

"Bridgette?" Aki's voice rang out of the room. He was scanning for her presence and Emi noticed that Seiran was looking at her so she stood and went up to them. "She's in the loo." she said to Aki, bringing a little pain in her chest. Still, Seiran won't take his gaze off her.

"Mizuki senpai?"

"Tanaka, may I talk with you for a minute?"

"Uh, sure. What is it?" Emi nervously replied. Seiran is a nice person, but she doesn't get why she find him scary sometimes.

"Alone." He motioned for her to follow him. She could see agitation in his expression and it's scaring her. She looked at Aki for assurance and he just smiled. "O-okay."

♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

Aki was watching Seiran and Emi walked away from him when Bridgette spoke from his back. "Where are they going?" she asked. He could sense something in her voice but nevertheless he was so excited to see her after four days that he had put on his best smile and faced Bridgette. Surprised to see her with a different hair colour, his cheeks flustered on how good flaxen looks on her. She just repeated her question.

"I don't know. Maybe he'll confess to her." he told Bridgette. Shock registered in her face and he felt jealous for no reason. "What do you mean by confess?"

Aki looked at her. She wouldn't meet his eyes and it's breaking his heart that she looks jealous at them. He took a deep breath and courage to tell her what he gotta say. "Seiran had been in loved with her but never had the chance to tell Tanaka san his feelings."

The Piano Romance (Notice Me, Senpai)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang