Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom

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"Those are Deneb, Altair, and Vega." the 8-year-old boy told the young girl while pointing to the brightest stars of constellations Cygnus, Aquila, and Lyra. It's almost midnight; the girl's family is holding a summer party, inviting many prominent personalities in the field of business, entertainment, and politics.

The boy went outside for some air; he doesn't like social gatherings at all. The young girl followed him— it was the first time that they met yet she insisted that he should accompany her in stargazing.

"Onii chan, I found Orihime sama," the young girl then pointed to the star Vega. She tugged the boy's sleeves. "Where is Hikoboshi sama?" she asked.

"There he is," he said pointing to Altair. "That's Hikoboshi sama."

"But why aren't they together? Aren't they lovers?"

"I don't know. Maybe they weren't meant to meet each other yet." he answered. "That's sad," the young girl then looked down in disappointment.

"Come Onii chan, I will show you something!" She immediately run into the garden, with the boy following her.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a secret! You will like it there!"

When they arrived at the huge gazebo in the garden, the boy was caught by surprise...

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"Ah, same dream. What time is it?"

Bridgette had her adrenaline all in rush after she overslept for her first day as a high schooler in Japan. She'd spent half of her childhood in England due to her father's work; she then wished to study in the school where her parents' met after hearing from her mother the legend of the rose garden. It is her first time living alone as she insisted independence from her parents. Since she had arrived in her place two days before the school opened, her sunday was spent on fixing things, wearing her out, eventually forgetting to set her alarm for school.

"Ohayou!" greeted the old lady who lives next door. Bridgette just nod at her while biting on a piece of bread as she headed towards the exit.

"Yoshi! I can do it!" she mused to herself as she stepped out of the building. She just learned traveling alone from her apartment to school as she always have a chauffeur driving her around in her Bugatti. Having no sense of time due to the thrills of her first time experiences, she arrived to school 45 minutes late.

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"Ah, finally. I am a Japanese high schooler now!" Bridgette giggled as she walks through the gates of Sarayashiki Gakuen. "The cherry blossoms are in full bloom! Well, since I'm already late, maybe I should just search for the rose garden-"

"You're late on your first day, too?" a voice chimed in from her back. Bridgette spun around to find a ravishing face to greet her—his silky, blond hair flows readily with the chilly, spring wind as his hazel eyes smiled upon her.

"You're a freshman, right? The ceremony had already started—"

"I'm on my second year," Bridgette answered to that cute guy who never took off the smile from his face. For a moment she thought he might be just toying her, then she realised that he's just being kind, knowing that she's new in their school.

"Ah, so you are new here."

He's slow to notice, Bridgette thought. "Unless you've seen me running around this place before, then I'm good as new," she sheepishly answered to him. The guy stared at her for a while then began to laugh, much to her annoyance.

"Baka," she said, and the guy laughed even harder. Bridgette started to walk away from him. "Where's the rose garden?" she asked. "You are pretty interesting. What's your name?" he asked her back.

The Piano Romance (Notice Me, Senpai)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora