Saturday, Part 2

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Saturday Part 2

"Where is she?" Qiang yelled.

"I do not know," Rou replied calmly.

Qiang stomped around the gym floor, pacing in anger as he watched the other students spar with each other. But not all of his club members were present. She was missing. Not only was she missing this afternoon, but she had been missing earlier too. Qiang had gone to a lot of trouble to have his father arrange that business lunch and she not only did not attend, she completely disappeared!

"If you would just calm down, brother," Rou said. "I am sure she will be here."

As if on cue, the gym doors squeaked open and Toph walked (in her usual confident stride) into training as if she were right on time. Beside her was a tall, clueless looking boy who just stared around at everyone, smiling like a moron. Who was he? What was he doing with Toph? Qiang was going to find out. Now.

"Where've you been?" he growled through gritted teeth. His question was obviously for the blind girl, but his eyes focused on her companion.

"What's it matter?" Toph asked bluntly. "I'm here, aren't I?"

"And who might you be?" Rou asked politely from his brother's side.

"I'm Aang!" the boy smiled. "I'm terribly sorry, but it's kinda my fault that Toph's late. I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

Aang bowed politely as he spoke. Qiang eyed the boy who reminded him of his brother with anger. What did this kid think he was doing with Toph? She was supposed to be with him today, not this loser!

"Outta my gym!" Qiang said roughly as he grabbed Aang's shirt collar. "Stop distracting my team!" As Qiang made to push the intruder out of his training session he felt the small but firm grip of Toph's hand on his wrist.

"Back off, Dunder Head. He leaves, I leave." There was no anger in her voice. Just cold, strong instruction. Qiang felt his grip loosen on the boy's collar and Toph slowly released hers as well. He definitely did not like the new guy.

"C'mon, Twinkle Toes. You can help me workout today," Toph said as she patted Aang's shoulder.

Qiang absolutely did not like the new guy. He watched with narrowed eyes as the two made their way across the floor to the punching bag. What was so special about this guy? Why did Toph pay so much attention to him? Had she been with him all day? Was he the reason she ditched on the luncheon? Visions of retaliating violence flashed through Qiang's mind as he watched Toph begin her stretches next to the punching bag hanging by the wall.

"So . . . who was that?" Aang asked tentatively.

"Who? Dunder Head?" Toph asked as she reached down and placed her palms flat on the floor. "He and Softy over there are the captains."

"I think I made him mad," Aang grinned sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it," Toph replied as she stood and stretched her back and arms. "You need to stop letting people walk all over you."

"What're you talking about? I think I handled that just fine!"

"Next time that thug grabs you like that, do something other than stand there and take it! You're a total pushover!"

Aang just continued to smile as Toph took a stance in front of the punching bag. Aang instinctively stood on the other side of her target and held it in place as she rammed her fists into it. His vibrations connected to the bag's certainly made it much easier for her to "see" it. That was why she did not complain. Aang chuckled almost silently at the knowledge as each hit increased in force.

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