Being a Father

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Being a Father

Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Something was horribly, terribly wrong and Lao did not know what to do about it. Ever since he and Huiliang had returned from their second honeymoon, Lao had made the resolution to spend more time with his family. As part of this resolution he shared dinner with his wife and daughter every evening since he had gotten home. At first it was going splendidly. Toph would tell him of her day at school and how things were progressing with her club. She was particularly excited about an upcoming tournament. Then for some unknown reason she became nearly silent during meals. And every other part of the day too. Lao knew his daughter to be many things: strong willed, determined, outspoken, but silent was not a description that ever came to mind.

When it first started, Lao had assumed that it had just been a bad day at school. After the second day he was sure that it had been more than that. Not knowing what else to do, he called Hakoda to see if he might know what was wrong. The only thing that Hakoda could tell him was that Katara said Toph had not been sharing breakfast with her friends the past few days. After a full weekend of the unsettling quiet Toph, Lao decided that he should call Iroh. Iroh was little more help than Hakoda. All he said was that Zuko told him that Toph was not going to club meetings anymore.

First, she was not speaking to anyone. Then she was avoiding her friends. Now she passes up chances to take out her aggressiveness on others? This was worse than Lao had imagined. It had been just over one week since this behavior began and Lao was still no closer to understanding what was wrong then when the problem first started. There was only one thing left for him to do.

"Kuzon, I need to see you in my study."

The two men shut the door behind them and Lao took his seat at his large desk. Kuzon simply stood across from him, waiting for his employer to speak. It was evident just by the look on his face that Kuzon knew what Master Bei Fong had wanted to speak to him about. When Lao did not speak, Kuzon began the conversation for him.

"Is there something troubling you, sir?" he asked knowingly.

"Have you perchance noticed that Toph has been behaving strangely as of late?"

"Indeed I have, sir."

"And do you happen to know why this is?"

"I do not, sir," Kuzon answered. "However, when Aang tried to visit a few days ago, the young miss had me turn him away. Both have seemed rather distraught over it."

"So it does have something to do with him," Lao sighed. "I thought that things were going well between them? What happened?"

"If I may be so bold, sir," Kuzon commented. "If we knew that, then you and I would not be in your study right now."

"Yes, you're right," Lao agreed. "What should I do?"

"I believe that right now Toph needs someone who will listen," Kuzon said. "Someone who will not get upset about the problem, but try to help her through it."

"Right. Tell me how that goes."


"I know! I know!" Lao said, his hands shaking nervously. "I'm just not any good at that sort of thing. If Aang did do something to upset her, I'm not going to be able to be objective about it. Maybe I should ask Huiliang to do this."

"She needs her father, Master Bei Fong."

Lao sighed and placed his face down in his palms. Being a better husband and father was something that he had decided he wanted to be. How was he supposed to be that kind of father if he avoided the difficult parts of the job? Kuzon was right, as he always was. Toph needed him right now, so he was going to be there.

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