Greatest Birthday Ever

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Greatest Birthday Ever

Katara sat completely lost in thought at the breakfast table that morning. Toph and Aang were laughing over something or other that had happened in their first period the other day, but Katara could not follow the conversation. The only thing on her mind was the odd phone call she had gotten that morning.

"What's wrong, Sugar Queen?" Toph asked. "You're usually more, I dunno, 'here' in the morning."

"It's Zuko," Katara explained. Poorly.

"What about him?" Aang asked.

"He called me this morning. He was really excited about something, but he wouldn't tell me what. He said he has 'plans' for us today. We never make plans."

"Is it a special occasion?" Toph asked her.

"I don't think so."

"Wonder what's up."

"Why don't you guys just ask Zuko, Twinkle Toes? He's right over there."

Katara wheeled around in her seat to find her boyfriend standing at the entrance door with a single red rose in his hands. It felt as if the entire student body had stopped and was staring at him as he smiled across the cafeteria at her. Each step he took was one that carried some purpose that Katara could not quite make out, but she had an embarrassing suspicion that it had something to do with her. Upon reaching her, Zuko took Katara by the hand and pulled her from her seat. As she stood, he brushed back her hair and placed the rose in before placing a gentle kiss directly on her lips. She blushed as he pulled away from her and clasped her hands.

"Good morning, birthday girl," he whispered to her.


"It's Katara's birthday?" Aang asked.

Toph tilted her head to the side and gave it some thought before nodding.

"Yup. Sugar Queen's eighteen today. Grats."

Katara fumbled and sifted through her brain. Her birthday! Today was her birthday! She had completely forgotten about her own birthday! And her eighteenth birthday at that! She fell back into her chair a placed a hand on her forehead to straighten out her thoughts.

"You forgot again, didn't you?" Zuko asked with a knowing smile. "I keep telling you that you work too hard. Don't worry about a thing. I've got everything all worked out for it. Just come over to my place after school today."

"But, I've got a test to study for tomorrow, and my science paper is still just-"

"You ace every test, your science paper isn't due for two months, and you can spare one afternoon for yourself," Zuko said. "And if not for yourself then do it for me."

Zuko had fairly trapped her with that one. He knew that if he asked her to do it for him that she would without hesitation. She caved to the statement with a smile.

"I'll be there."

Zuko paced back and forth between the kitchen and the living room in anticipation. Katara would be there any minute and preparations were not fully prepared yet. After explaining his plans to Uncle Iroh, Zuko was grateful that the old man had made himself scarce, but now he was wishing for an extra pair of hands. How could an empty apartment be so hard to breathe in?

"Why am I nervous?" Zuko growled at himself. "I've had this all worked out for days!"

A quiet knock sounded at the door.


Zuko straighted out his clothes and stumbled his way to the door. When he pulled it open he was greeted by the lovely sight of Katara wearing a long sky blue skirt with an off the shoulder white top. She had let her hair lie loose around her shoulders (adding to the beauty of the image in Zuko's opinion), but the flower he had placed in it that morning was still there.

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