The Jasmine Dragon

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The Jasmine Dragon

The Jasmine Dragon was smaller than Toph had expected it to be. There were only fifteen tables in the little tea shop, each large enough to hold four people. She could feel the heat of several small flames burning around her, telling her that Iroh had chosen to use actual lanterns for light rather than bulbs and electricity. The atmosphere was heavy with the scent of the lanterns. Not heavy in that uncomfortable way, but heavy in the way that helps a person to relax and allow their mind to wander. This was perfect, because had it not been for that Toph would be going out of her mind at the moment.

The warmth of the flames felt nice on her bare arms and shoulders. Although she was not used to wearing tops that only wrapped around her neck, Toph felt comfortable in her mother's latest gift. The skirt she was not so happy about. It halted just above her ankles, exposing her bare feet so that she would not have to worry about tripping on it. This was both convenient and more comfortable, but she still would have preferred a nice pair of shorts. Ty Lee was humming from one of the seats next to her and was stroking Toph's hair. It was not often that she wore it down, and Ty Lee simply was not going to miss this chance to play with it. Toph was too distracted to really be bothered by it though. She knew that along with all of her other friends, Aang would be coming as well. Was she going to be able to keep it together long enough to talk to him? Was she even actually ready to try?

"You should relax more, Tophy," Ty Lee said. "You're all kinds of tense, and that's bad for you. And try to smile! You practically never come out from behind your hair, so it'd be nice to see a smile!"

Just then, Katara and Zuko entered the shop with Hakoda following along behind them. Toph was glad for the hardwood floors, otherwise she might not have been able to tell who it was. She certainly did not want to be caught unaware when Aang arrived. It was not long before the others arrived as well. Sokka, Suki, and Azula arrived together, much to the surprise of everyone.

"What are you doing with them?" Zuko asked his normally antisocial sister.

"Is it so wrong to come as a group with the people you live with?" Azula replied.

"You're living with them?" he screamed.

Listening to the others try to calm Zuko down long enough to explain was the most fun Toph had been able to have all week. Iroh was much more accepting of the situation as he brought out a tray of tea for everyone. Unlike Zuko, Iroh seemed rather pleased with the idea of Azula living with others rather than alone at the dorm. Toph half listened to Zuko's ranting as she took a sip of her tea. Less than a second later she was spitting it out.

"Iroh, what did you give me?" she asked. "Bleach water?"

"Actually, I made that," her father's voice replied. "I asked Iroh to teach me."

"Stick to paper work, Dad."

"Nice to hear you back to your old self."

Toph dropped her cup on the table. There was no mistaking that voice.

How did he get in here without me noticing? How could I let my guard down like that? What do I do?

Without even thinking about it, Toph's feet began to carry her forward. She did not know where she was going, only that she needed to get away from Aang as quickly as she could.

"Toph!" he called. "Toph, wait! Where are you going?"

"Bathroom!" she responded automatically.

Following the feel of the vibrations around her, Toph pushed open a door that placed her on a tiled floor. The sudden cold on her feet shook her already wavering guard as she sat herself on one of the stalls and took her time just breathing. She was trapped. No matter what she did at this point, she would have to come out eventually. Besides, she had not gotten to have any of Iroh's tea yet.

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