Doctors and Deans

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Doctors and Deans

For once Aang was not looking forward to his lunch period, and it was not because it was sloppy joe day. Today he was going to be taken out of class for a doctor's appointment before seeing the deans in the administration building. Gyatso would be coming to get him soon. First, he would find out when he would be able to take off his cast. Afterwards, he would be learning whether or not he would be staying in this school. He took a long look around the room at the faces surrounding him. He wondered if he would be able to see any of them again next semester.

A knock came on the classroom door and Aang watched as the teacher spoke with someone outside for a moment. She took a small slip of blue paper from the visitor and then turned to him with a smile.

"You're wanted in the office," she said as she placed the note on his desk. "Will you be coming back to class?"

"No, ma'am," Aang replied. "I'm getting my leg checked out. Hopefully, I'll be out of this thing soon!"

Though he acted in high spirits while he was in class, Aang's mind was racing with anticipation. He wanted out of his bulky cast soon. There was now a list of reasons why. First, and probably the most repetitive reason that played in his mind, was because it itched beyond reason. Then of course there was the prom this Friday, only two days from now. He knew Toph would not mind if he could not dance with her because of his leg, but he wanted her to have fun. He wanted to dance with her. More recently, there was another reason. A more competitive reason. The prom was not the only thing he was looking forward to on Friday. The last track meet of the year was on Friday, and Kaze was going to be there. It would be Aang's only chance to prove that Kaze would not get away with cheating.

"Good afternoon, Aang," the school secretary smiled brightly when he entered. "Your father is here to take you to your appointment. He's signing you out next door right now. Is today the day you get your cast off?"

"Maybe," Aang smiled back. "I hope it is. They said six to eight weeks, and I'm coming up on six."

"Hello, Aang," Gyatso said, entering from a hall off to the side. "Are you ready to go?"

"All set, Gyatso!"

Mr. Bei Fong had been kind enough to loan Gyatso a vehicle for the day to make sure that Aang reached his two appointments on time. The ride itself was much shorter that it felt. Aang's mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of the future. What he had said to Toph on her birthday he truly believed, however if he had a choice he would definitely chose to stay here. He was fairly certain that if he did not keep his scholarship, then Gyatso would whisk him away once again. He enjoyed traveling the world with his adoptive father a great deal, but Toph meant so much to him that he would willingly give that up without hesitation. He already had once.

"We are here," Gyatso said, breaking into his thoughts.

Aang had not gotten a very good look at the hospital the last time he was there. It towered over him like a pale white mountain. It was a very imposing sight to behold. How could a hospital give such an overbearing, ominous feeling?

Probably because a lot's at stake for me today, Aang decided.

The wait was painfully long once Aang and Gyatso had filled out the paperwork for the visit. It was deathly quiet considering the number of patience that were waiting to be seen. The only sounds in the crowded waiting room was a small television in the corner set to a news channel and the steady tick tick tick of the clock on the wall. The ticking drummed in Aang's head like a pounding hammer in the quiet room. Eventually, it became a droning, pulsing lullaby that caused his eyelids to droop. Aang was nearly asleep by the time a nurse came into the room and called for them to follow her to the back. She led them to a small, cold white room with a medical bed and desk. Before leaving them with a nod and saying "The doctor will be with you soon," she placed her clipboard down on the desk.

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