Running Gag

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Running Gag

Aang stumbled back, dropping Toph to the floor as she slammed her elbow into his ribs. She could hear his laughter through his coughs even as she steadied herself before pointing her finger accusingly at him.

"You've gotta lot of nerve, cue ball!" she said as a very confused Katara and Zuko approached the table. "First, you run off for four years, then you show up unannounced, and you've got the nerve to be taller than me?"

Aang just smiled down at her. He would have been more intimidated by her verbal assault had she not been smiling the whole time she was attacking him. She hadn't change one bit since he saw her last. Sure she was a little bit taller, but she still had that rough and tumble attitude and the same confident air about her.
"In my defense," Aang continued smiling, "I was dragged away four years ago; I told you I had a big surprise for you today; it is not my fault that you're short, and . . ."

Aang grabbed Toph's hand and rubbed it along the top of his head. Her grin broadened as she felt his soft, short, shaggy hair.

"You're not short or bald anymore? What am I gonna make fun of now?"

"Oh, I'm sure you'll find something," Aang replied.

The two friends laughed merrily as Katara and Zuko watched on in utter bewilderment. Still laughing, Toph took her tray from Zuko and sat down to eat, motioning for the others to do the same.

"Guys, this is Twinkle Toes. Twinkle Toes, I want you to meet Sugar Queen and Hothead. We've been pals since you ditched me."

"Nice to meat you, Sugar Queen. You too, Hothead," Aang said politely with a small bow. "And I did not ditch you!"

"Actually, my name is Katara. And he's Zuko," Katara smiled in return.

"And you can call me Aang!"

As their lunch period rolled on, Toph seemed happier than either Katara or Zuko could ever remember seeing her. She laughed often and her smile never left her face as Aang got acquainted with everyone. He was just as Toph had always described him: full of happiness and curiosity like a child. He spoke of the places he had traveled to with his adoptive father Gyatso with wide eyes animated gestures. More than once he had grabbed Zuko by the arm and moved the poor guy around to help illustrate his descriptions, much to Zuko's annoyance. As lunch ended and everyone made their slow treks to their classrooms, Zuko made sure to express his opinions of the new kid to Katara.

"He's obnoxious! It's like he hasn't matured past six years old!"

"So?" Katara said.

"'So?' What do you mean 'so?' He's immature and annoying!"

"So?" she repeated

"And he's got no respect for personal space! And don't you dare say 'so' again!"

"What's your point?"

"Doesn't it bother you?"

"Why should it?"

"Because it's annoying!" Zuko screamed. Katara grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop with a smug smirk tugging at her lips.

"Zuko, you are an angsty, emo, high school third year with a fan club consisting of nearly every girl in this school, and a few of the choice guys by the way, who swoon and coo at your every move and breath. A loud, happy, energetic first year is a breath of fresh air by comparison."

With that, she tapped his nose playfully and continued on her way.


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