Dangerous Dance

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Dangerous Dance

"You two look so cute together," Iroh said from the driver's seat. "I'll have to make sure to get lots of pictures tonight. And double prints for Hakoda!"

"You're not going to be there long enough to take that many pictures, Uncle," Zuko said. It amazed Katara how he managed to make the statement sound like a reminder and a threat at the same time. What amazed her even more was just how good Zuko looked.

Since the dance was not a formal one, Zuko did not have to dress up, but he still cleaned himself up pretty well. He wore an all black ensemble, complete with a pair of sleek black dress shoes polished to perfection. Although, what Katara admired most about his appearance was not his clothes. It was his hair. He had pulled it back into a low sitting tail, revealing his entire face.

"You really do look wonderful though," Katara said as she gently pet the side of his hair. "I wouldn't mind posing for a picture or two before going in."

"Zuko let out a defeated groan as he nodded. Out of the corner of his eye he caught the warm smile on Katara's face as she giggled. Her laugh always reminded him of what a beautiful person she was, inside and out. Out especially this evening. She wore a strapless white top that made it difficult for him to focus on anything else, but once he managed to peel his eyes away from her bare skin he admired the rest of her as well. Her long white skirt cascaded down her legs all the way to her ankles, and it amused Zuko when he first realized the contrast in their clothing choices for the evening. For a woman as strong as she was, Katara had always looked so delicate and soft. That was something that Zuko always marveled at and adored about her.

"You'll both be turning heads all night!" Iroh said suddenly with a chuckle. Little did he know just how right he was.

What was taking him so long? The dance had started an hour ago and none of the others had caught sight of him yet either. Maybe he was not going to come. Maybe even that girl could not get him to come to a school dance.

"Would you stop fidgeting?" the boy beside her said.

"But what if he doesn't come?" she asked.

"Katara wants to be here, so Zuko will bring her," he said for the hundredth time. "All you should be worrying about is getting the two of them apart."

"We can handle that," the girl told him. "I'm more worried about your part, Jet. I mean, we all know what happened between you and Katara at the mall in October. I'm surprised you haven't given up on her."

"This coming from the president of the Zuko Fan Club?" Jet sneered. "Look, Jin, you worry about Zuko, and let me worry about Katara. Got it?"

Just as Jin was about to nod, another girl ran up to her.

"They're coming in now!"

Jin almost melted when Zuko walked into the small dance hall the school had rented out. He looked like a masterpiece, and that outfit was so perfect for him. The strange thing was, his hair was pulled back. He had always worn it loose and in front of his face before. It must have been Katara's doing. Making him show that nasty scar just so she could look better standing next to him. Jin balled her fists tightly.

"So conceited," she mumbled.

"What was that?" Jet asked.

"Nothing. Let's get started."

Zuko did not know what it was about social events that he did not like so much. Maybe it was because he always felt like he was being stared at. Or the feeling that he was so out of place at such nice events. The only reason he had decided to come at all was for Katara, but now he was not so sure he was going to be able to go through with it.

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