"Why did you get so drunk last night?" For a second Jimin stopped his pity party to listen in.

"Tae.... yesterday he confessed to me." Jimin has never wanted to punch someone more until that very moment. He stopped listening completely. He rolled right back into bed and cried alone.


"Jimin." Jin shook the younger in an attempt to wake him.

"Baby wake up." He tried again and his eyes fluttered.

"Daddy?" He whispered back and Jin laughed and shook his head.

"Your daddy is in the living room with Joonie come on." The older laughed again at how quick Jimin jumped up. The blonde quickly threw on some clothes and brushed his teeth before running towards the living room.

"Minnie!" He yelled and held his arms out while Jimin stayed still in the door frame. He was stuck. He thought for sure he wanted nothing to do with the younger. That he wouldn't want Jimin anymore.

"Baby come here..." He said slowly and slightly confused and Jimin crumbled. He fell to the ground with tears pouring from his face.

"I'm sorry daddy! Please don't leave Minnie!" He yelled which confused everyone in the room.

"Jimin! Oh my god! What are you talking about?" He exclaimed and ran to cradle the younger in his arms.

"Daddy's tired. He doesn't want Minnie. He wants TaeTae." Jimin cried harder into the olders chest and Jungkook was silent. He was too busy looking at Jin and Joon who were giving him no solutions. Clearly Jimin heard their conversation.

"Daddy what I do?! Tell me! I fix Minnie for daddy! Minnie is good! I'll be better! Just don't leave." Jimin pleaded and Jungkook was at a loss for words.

"Baby whatever you heard. You couldn't have heard it right. We talked about how I don't want Taehyung I swear. I love you sweetie. You don't have to change anything for me. I have to change for you. I need to be more responsible and less reckless with my words and actions. I'm sorry if I made you assume the wrong thing baby." He explained calmly and held the younger tighter to reassure him.

Jimin immediately calmed down. No one can calm him faster than Jungkook. No one knows him like Jungkook does.

"I love you. Please don't change for anyone." The older said and left a peck on the youngers forehead. Jimin nodded and an awkward silence fell on the room. Jin and Joon stood there watching the two hug on the floor. It was quiet until Jin spoke up.

"Also if you are going to eavesdrop. Please listen to everything not just snippets of the conversation." He advised and it made the group laugh. Luckily the eavesdropping went much better than last time.

"I won't do it again sorry." Jimin said cutely while hugging Jungkook tightly.

"Good now can we go talk somewhere quickly?" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded. Th older stood up and carried Jimin to the bedroom bridal style. He sat the younger on the bed and they faced eachother. Jimin was still not looking directly into the olders eyes and it bothered him.

"Baby I know we just talked but I can't help but feel like you're still upset with me." He spoke his mind and let Jimin hear his thoughts.

"Daddy Minnie was so scared. Y-yesterday.... you not wake up. I was scared." He said and Jungkook understood him for the most part.

"Hey it's okay baby. I'm okay don't worry about me. What about you?" He asked and Jimin gave him a confused look.

"How are you? Did you eat? Did you get hurt last night? I'm sorry for not caring for you yesterday. You're my baby and I love you I'm so sorry I was so irresponsible." He frowned but his words only made Jimin smile.

"No more sorrys daddy. It okay to have fun. Just come home. Minnie missed you." He responded. Jimin was understanding and easygoing. He was everything Jungkook wanted. He understood him and reasoned with him. It was this moment that helped Jungkook realize how perfect Jimin is. Everything he said and did was perfect.

"You're the love of my life Min. Please never leave me. I know how dumb I can be." He pouted and the younger smiled and pecked him lips.

"Never dream of it daddy." The older blushed and they giggled together. They took the liberty of letting themselves out after hearing some suspicious noises from the room next to them. It would be better for them all to not interrupt.

The two headed back to their house with bright smiles and happy hearts. All they needed was each other to be happy. They didn't want nor need anyone else.

"How about I make you dinner today. I feel like I haven't cooked for you in forever." Jungkook offered and the younger nodded vigorously. He absolutely loves Jungkooks cooking.

They arrived at their apartment but something seemed off. Just before they entered a figure appeared behind them.

"Kookie.." Tae whispered and Jimin and Jungkooks happy mood quickly faltered.

"Why are you here?" Jungkook demanded with hints of hatred in his tone. He didn't want to deal with Tae to begin with. But now in front of Jimin too. He groaned at the thought of whatever Tae was about to do.

"Please love me. I'll do anything Kookie. I'll wait if you need time. I'll change to be perfect for you. Please just love me not him." He cried and begged and Jimin started to tear up. How could he be so shameless? Right in front of me. He thought.

Jungkook wanted to be angry at his friend. He wanted to punch him or kick him. Anything. But he couldn't. Taehyung is his bestfriend. He still loves him even if it might not be in that way.

"Tae please stop..." Jungkook said hushed. His tears were starting to form.

"Please Kookie. Give me a chance." Tae begged while grabbing the youngers hands in his. Jungkook didn't pull away or say anything. They stated into each other eyes way too long for Jimin comfort. The nickname cringed Jimin out. Only he called him that really and Tae is trying to take everything.

"Tae please stop..." Jimin repeated Jungkooks words. He couldn't lose Jungkook. But from personal experiences it's a hard choice between your lover and your bestfriend. Jimin picked bestfriend so how could he be mad if Jungkook did the same?

"Please Jimin. I've only ever loved him. I'll never love anyone else please." He begged and Jimin couldn't speak. He shook his head rapidly. There was no way he's giving Jungkook up.

"Jungkook say something." Jimin pleaded towards the boy that still held hands with his friend.

"I'm so sorry." Was that last thing he said to him before kissing him.


Vote and Comment please! How is everyone today? I'm sorry for the low key cliff hanger 🤷‍♀️

2393 words today✨

Thank you for reading! Love you allll!!!☺️

Also 50 chapters! Damn didn't think I'd make it this far!😂

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