Black and White

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POV: Gabe

It's the day of the Valentines dance for our last year of junior high. Our last junior high dance will be the best one we hope. We know that this is going to be so awesome! We all are at Caleb's house getting ready. Well what I mean by getting ready is versing each other at Mario Kart for a few hours. Then put our suits on. As Justin Timberlake would put it "I just got my suit and tie. I'm leavin it out on the floor tonight."

I think I've been hanging out with Chad too much who (doesn't admit it but I know) likes JT. He even tries to imitate him every once in a while

"I'm gonna crush YOU Chaddy!!" Joey yells.

"Ok don't even start, Joe, I'm GOING TO get ALL of YOU!!" Caleb corrects while deflecting a flying blue turtle shell I threw.

"DANG! Did Caleb just correct you Chad AND get all of us? AND HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU DO THAT?!!!!!!??!?!" Joey questions.

"Ooooooo can you feel it burning?" Alan mocks.

"i guess I'm just that good!" Caleb huffs and rubs his knuckles against himself.

Chad starts puffing his chest and gets red in the face from embarrassment. "Ooo Chaddy I think someone is jealous?!!" Joey laughs.

The game was over then as Chad starts chasing Joey around and around in circles in Caleb's basement. Back and forth then forth then back. Caleb's basement opens up in a hallway, then a room, then in this room. His basement is a giant circle, but you would've never thought it was a basement. You would've thought it was another giant living room.

After a minute of the three of us watching Chad and Joey run around in circles Alan decided to end it by whistling (LOUD). He is a really loud whistler.

Joey and Chad stopped in their tracks and sat down like good little doggies.

"Ok I think it's time to get dressed for the dance," Alan takes charge.

We are in our suits five minutes later after washing up. Then we are doing our hair. Caleb I think takes the longest, but I don't know with Joey standing next to him.

"How long does it take you guys to do your hair. I thought my sister took a long time, and that says something," Chad teases the two of them.

"This masterpiece takes about 20 minutes," Caleb explains.

"Well mine is a working progress from when I get up until I go to bed," Joey stares into the mirror trying to get his hair right his fluff down the middle. It's that fluff the ladies like down the middle with the sides all freshly buzzed for that "snazzy" look as some put it. Well whatever it is, it's SOOO FLUFFY as he puts it.

When the five of us are ready, we go upstairs. Caleb's mom looks like she has seen celebrities or something and she's a fangirl.

"Awww you boys look cute, but Cabey, my son will you please wear a tie?" 'Cabey's' mom asks.

We laugh at Caleb's nickname his mom called him.

"No mom I don't want to wear a tie. Just because Joey, Gabe, and Chad are wearing one, and Alan is wearing a bow tie doesn't mean I have to wear one. I want to be different," Caleb complains.

"Well I think you should wear one and you will come home in it just the way I left it," his mom gives him a 'look'.

"Fine! I will wear one," Caleb whines, but with a slight smile. Something tells me it won't be on very long.

Caleb's mom took a picture the four of them as I was tying my shoe, and she noticed that I wasn't in the picture and laughed, "whoops I think we forgot one." I jump up and put my hand one Joey's (very shiny I could say... Well Chad called it before. I think I'm learning too much from him) shoulder. The next picture we smile and arms around shoulders like the brothers we know we are. The final picture we took was a funny one. Joey got on Chad's back (asking for trouble) I got on Alan's and Caleb was being his weird self jumping in front and spreading his arms wide like a bird.

"Hey Chaddy you can put me down now!" Joey tries to jump down, but Chad has a grip on him.

Still on his back the two of them piggy back to the car.

"They are so cute together as brothers," I comment.

"They aren't related, but they sure act like it," Caleb laughs.

"Aren't we ALL related?" Pastor Caleb's dad comes walking in.

"Very true dad. Very true," Caleb smiles and then realizes the time, "dudes I think we should get going. Also I don't think we want to leave those two out there by themselves for long."

"Okay Father Time let's get going," Alan jokes.

"Hey one day my time spent keeping us on track will come in handy one day," Caleb raises an eyebrow as he looks back at Alan.

"Shut up dudes and come on already!!" Chad yells as we are walking to the Yellow Cavalier that Caleb's dad let us borrow.

"Now Chadwick, how many times have your parents told you not to say shut up?" Joey ponders.

"Sorry guys but I'm just too excited to see one of my best friends. I just can't shut up about it!" Chad replies.

"OOOOOOOOO someone is in LOVE!" I joke.

"Well what about you and what is her name again? Hmmm I think it's something like Abby?" Caleb pokes and teases me. They all look at me with a look of suspicision.

"Well I was going to ask her to the dance, but by the time I was going to, it was already too late," I look down because I thought in the school halls the other day I had seen some guy in our grade already ask her. She laughed when he was talking, and by that time I walked away.

"Don't worry dude, just wait for the girl of your dreams to come around. She will reveal herself when God lets her. Just hide your love away until she is revealed to you," Caleb pats me on the back with some words of encouragement.

"Thanks man, you always know what to say. By the way, Hide Your Love Away seems like an interesting song title. What do you guys think?" I ask the rest of them.

"Really? Do you really want to talk about love? Isn't love all mushy gushy stuff," Joey gives a look of 'disgust'.

"I think it's pretty interesting. I think it could be interpretted in a few different ways. I can't think of them specifically, but it does sound interesting," Alan smiles and looks back at the road as he is driving. Even if we are in the Grimm's car, we don't let Caleb or Chad drive. With the way they both drove on Mario Kart, I don't think with either of them behind the wheel would be safe for any of us. Joey and Chad were fighting over the wheel, so Alan stepped in the middle and told us that he was driving. He whispered to me asking if I wanted to drive and I shook my head no. I wasn't going to get in the middle of the Brother Battle.

We get to the school, and Alan parks the car. Our sisters went to Chad's house to get ready. When we saw Charis drive up in the Graham's car we were amazed on how they looked. We were amazed.

"Do we look ok? Do we have something on us?" Charis asks.

"Yeah you got something right.... there," Chad teases his sister pointing to her dress. She looks down and he flicks her nose. Typical Chad.

"Now now Chadwick. We need to be nice to them. They ARE our sisters," Joey shakes a pointed finger at Chad.

Caleb's sister comes up from behind Joey and scares him. He jumps higher than on the basketball court. We all laugh and then he mentions to us,"uhh guys by the time we get up the steps to go dance, it will be over, so let's go already!"

"Ladies first," Caleb pulls open the one door and Joey does the same as Chad, Alan, and I escourt the sisters inside.

This will be one night I won't forget. I will make it the best night ever with God by my side, and my bros having my back. We will stick together no matter what, and God will make sure that we stick together forever. Girls or no girls, we have the true meaning of Valentines. To have a buddy by your side and have your back no matter what. I know girls like sweet guys, and my dad told me to be me. I have grown up being a church kid, so I guess the Lord has my heart. He will never let go of me.

Now let's go have the best night ever. I hear God tell me.

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