EHHHHHH Macaroni!!

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POV: Gabe

We walk in with the sisters and are amazed at what the sight is. Everything is either glitzed or glittered up. Looks like Michael Jackson took over. This dance is going to be a real Thriller.

The sisters grab their bros and start dancing. Neither Joey or I have a sister, so the girls grab us too and pull us into the group. I don't know if we are crazy or what, but we are laughing more than dancing. Joey does this weird move. He says he can't dance, so he pumps his fists up in the air. We make fun of him. Ok mostly Chad makes fun of him, but it looks like it was working for Joey. It could be his signature move.

We all are making our own dance circle, and it's Big Al's turn. He sticks his arms out as if to move people out of the way. His moves are down right dog gone awesome! He can really bust a move as a Michael Jackson song comes on. "Shocker" I know. It wouldn't surprise any of us if he always danced or danced for a living. Who knows?

Caleb gets in. That was a funny to think about. He isn't the "best" but he has fun while doing it. Whoever he will marry one day better have the same sense of humor he does. He is completely outta his mind! It must be that super spiky hair.

Caleb says he doesn't dance, he plays football. He says he can't wait till high school to play football and hopes he gets his growth spurt then. Chad and Alan look super tall compared to us three. They had started their growth spurt this year. Even in our group pictures those two are the gentle giants. Chad "acts so called tough," but yes he is a gentle giant. Don't let that tough man look fool you.

Chad's turn, and he grabs his sister. He starts swinging her around. There is this girl standing behind Charis. I'm not sure what her name is, but she looks at Chad. Chad doesn't seem to notice. I guess it comes from being the quiet one I see the things most don't. Chad can't dance either, but his sister makes up for it.

Hey there are not any bad dance moves if you are having fun!

Then it's my turn. Everyone tells me to go, but I shake my head. I'm the one who has two left feet and will trip just looking at the circle. Everyone stops and crosses their arms. (Okay Chad does the chicken dance but realizes he makes a fool of himself as everyone laughs.) I figured what the heck, so I jumped in and did my own little crazy hip hop dance moves as the most awesome song comes on. I hope they are good. They could be since everyone is cheering me on.

"Hey you're not NSync with the rhythm so watch it buddy!" Chaddy was snickering on the side. Alan gave him a shove as to knock it off. I put up a hand and puckered my lips as if to say "nah I got this".

I just went up to sing to him and backed up as I sang "Baby Bye Bye Bye!!" and then did a back flip to conclude my final performance nailing the landing. Everyone clapped and a little pair of eyes out of the corner caught nine.

Caleb and Joey gave me a high five as Caleb said, "Nice job bro!"

"Nice one man! Way to stick up to the Chadster!" Joey smiled. Chad came up from behind him and gave Joey a noogie.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH! Not cool man! It took me all day to get this look!"

"Woah woah woah! Not cool man!" Chad mimicked in a Joey tone.

"Hey who wants some punch?" Alan asks the ladies.

"Hey thanks man that would be nice," Joey says, "Oh wait you meant them."

The girls nodded as us guys went to get glasses for everyone. With five of us it was pretty easy. Until a couple of others showed up.

"Hey there Mick Jagger," Alan turned around and saw a dark blonde haired girl standing there. "Some moves you got there. I'm Brycie."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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