chapter 5: The Gain

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Dutch and Vetra stood on the port side of the fleets main ship, The V.C.S. Amora. They were starring out the window, minutes away from their destination. Watching as particles of light flew by.
Vetra had spoke up, "I heard the Ta' Sonka system we are going to, is called Xel. It has only 1 goldilock planet, which is actually where we are going. There are 10 other planets in the system but only 4 others are colonized. Are you excited?" She asked.
Dutch had his helmet on, Vetra hadn't realized he spaced off, so she tapped his shoulder. He came out of this trance and had realized she was talking to him.
Dutch realized what she asked and responded, "Uh... Um.... Yeah! We will get a little R&R, a few hours but still! Plus, how long has it been since the Star Corps and Flamers got new recruits! I mean, their the 2 divisons with the highest mortality rate ever in the Reaver Corps! So their either stupid, brave, suicidal, or don't realize what they actually signed up for! What do you wanna do when we get our R&R time?"
As he finished, the A.I. speaker came on. "We will be exiting jump space in.... 10.... 9.... 8.... 7.... 6.... 5.... 4-"
Cut short by a early exit. The V.C.S. Amora had stopped planet side of the Goldilock planet in the Xel system.
A beautiful planet with yellow land masses visible and blue oceans.

Both Vetra and Dutch were stunned by it's Beautiful look. Vetra put her hands against the glass, "Dutch, have you ever seen anything so beautiful?!" She Excitedly said. She looked over and realized Dutch was intentionally holding back on his answer.
She chuckled and put her helmet on, she signaled for him to follow but were shortly cut off by a technician and a the Mamba doctor. The technician is human and spoke first. "Ah! Lieutenant and Captain! We were looking for you! We need to run a quick test on your augments and implants. We were told that they weren't working on your last mission?"
Vetra took a moment, she looked at the Human. A young female girl in a full suit of EVA gear. Vetra replied back with confusion, "Um, yeah. The planet had something going on. Not even the Taunis soldiers could use theirs! Uhh.... Why are you geared up like that?"
The young female looked down at herseld and back at Vetra. "Oh! I'll be doing a space walk right after we do the tests! I gotta make sure the jump arrays are in tip top shape or no communication or inter web connections during jumps!" She said proudly.
They both looked at the Mamba doctor, who held up a device and stated "Oh, I'm here to make sure your bodies aren't rejecting your implants and augmentations. Plus I have to see if their having negative impacts on your bodies!" They said fluently.

As Dutch and Vetra proceeded to follow them, they were taken into a open examination room with all white walls.
The female technician waved a hand, suddenly a table popped up from the ground and the Mamba set the device they held, onto the table.
The technician opened it and started fiddling with some attachments that were in the device. She turned and with a chirpy tone "Now, do what the doctor says so we can make this go faster! He has done this many times!"
Vetra and Dutch looked at the doctor, awaiting for instructions.
He than slithered his tongue and spoke in a serious tone, "ok, we will start by removing all upper body clothing and armor. Under garnets may stay on!"
Vetra and Dutch had never really done this before, as they started taking their armor off and worked to their underarmor. Luckily the underarmor was designed to be adjustable for many reasons. They manage to fold and undo sections to only have their upper bodies showing.
The technician hopped and walked to them while fiddling with wireless devices, "Ok, now what we will do is attach these to your upper--" The technician stopped in shock.
Seeing that Vetra had PAS scars and many war scars, the technician was mortified.
Than she looked Dutch and gasped, for he had more scars than her.
He looked at her and tried to lighten the mood, "Stars Corps is a fun division, not safe fun though. HAHA!"
The technician replied with a shooken voice, "U-um... I-I'm not a-a Comb-bat technician! Tho-ose are some n-na-asty scars!"
Vetra and Dutch began laughing.
Vetra chirped up, "Our divisions get sent on dangerous missions, see that bite mark on his right shoulder and the on his neck? Vernon fucking 8! Worst planet, EVER!"
The Mamba stepped in, "Lets get things moving pleasssse!"
The technician had placed wireless pads onto the arms and upper torso of Dutch and Vetra.

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