Chapter 17 - The Mirror House

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Y/N = Your Name 

* 2nd Person's P.O.V

You were just lying on the couch, Urie was just pinning you down. You were both staring into each other's eyes. You thought ' What is this? Why can't I move?' Urie slowly moves his face towards yours. Your amulet started glowing, Urie backs away and covers his eyes. You gasped and stood up. You slapped Urie's face, the room got silent. Urie was holding his cheek. You said " U-um...I'm sorry. But I've got to go." You got up "It was nice chatting with you." Urie just smirked, you heard the fangirls laughing at you. Their laughter was filling the room. You felt an uneasy feeling in your chest, you ran off. The fangirls started chasing you. You looked back ' Why are they following me?' You kept running and running, you thought ' My god! How big is this place?' You noticed the lights were turned off. You stood still " What the...." Suddenly, a carnival started appearing. You looked around, you thought ' Where am I?' You heard a bunch of girls laughing. You turned around ' Oh no! They're here.' You quickly hid behind a wall; you speak out and saw the girls running past. You were breathing heavily. You thought ' Okay. I'm safe.' You lean your back against the wall " Oh boy...." You drop to the ground " Maybe I can call Ritsuka...." You pulled out your phone and started dialing. You held your phone " Come on Ritsuka, Pick it." Your phone started beeping, you looked at your device and said, " Out of service?" You growled, " Can this day get any worse?" You noticed the lights were on, the carnival was suddenly brought to life. You shouted, " You've got to be kidding me!"  

You heard a voice said, " There she is!" You turned around and saw a bunch of Urie's fangirls. You mumbled before running " Great." You were breathing heavily, you thought ' Is this crazy? I've got to get out of here.' You saw a building called the mirror house. You smirked ' That's perfect.' You ran inside, leaned against a mirror, and sighed. You took a breath " Geez, I'm tired." You looked around, you thought ' I think I lost them.' Suddenly, a white feather landed on your head. You looked up " Huh?" You grabbed the feather and inspected it. You said, " Where did this come from?" You heard footsteps approaching. You gasped; you started running. The halls were echoing with laughter. You tried to block the sound, you felt someone grabbed your collar. You were pulled back with an arm around your neck. You were being grabbed by three of the fangirls. One of the fangirls said, " Aw~ Stop being a baby and give us your necklace." You tried to pull away " Let me go!" You felt your amulet glowing " I said let me go!" Out of nowhere, a bright light was filling their eyes. The girls let go of you and started covering their eyes. The lights were off, you saw a figure leading their hand to you " Follow me." You looked up and saw Urie. Without hesitation, you grabbed his hand and ran away. 

* Time Skip

You were hiding at the marry-go-round, you breathed heavily. You turned to Urie " Thanks for saving me." Urie pulled you close, you felt your cheeks glowing. Urie said, " Stay close and I'll protect you." You asked, " What's wrong with them?" Urie looks at you " I apologize, my butterflies tend to be a little overprotective." He asked, " Did they harm you?" You shook your head " I'm fine." You said, " Now, can you please take me to Rem?" Urie chuckled, you said " What's so funny?" You widen your eyes " Wait a second...." You pointed at Urie " You lied to me." Urie said " Of course. However, I'm not the only one who's dishonest." He added, " Like your brother, Lindo." You asked " Lindo? What did he lie about?" Urie leans towards your face " Your brother didn't just go to England for school. He's an exorcist." You widen your eyes, Urie added " However, that's not the only thing he's hiding." He looked at your amulet, Urie saw his reflection. He smiled, " That amulet looks good on you. I wonder why your grandpa gave you it." You held your amulet close, your eyes started to water " S-Shut up! I don't want to hear it." You sniffled " I just want to go home." You felt a hand lifting your head up. You looked up at Urie, Urie said " Such a sweet little girl. There's no reason to cry." His eyes started to glow " Let me make it up to you~."

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