Chapter 16 - The Garden of Eden

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd Person's P.O.V  

You and Urie were standing in front of a dome. You looked at Urie " Are you sure this is the right place?" Urie chuckled, he walked towards the door and opened it. A bright light appears out of it. You covered your eyes from the brightness, you looked back at Urie. He smiles " Ladies first." You and Urie were walking down a path. You looked around ' Wow! It's so beautiful.'

You heard a bunch of people singing: " So come, let's sing"

You turn to Urie " What was that?" Urie just smiled, you moved your head away. 

You felt the song becoming louder: " Come, let's sing--it's a delightful party"

You felt your amulet glowing, you quickly covered it: " This beautiful night will never end "

You started humming to the tone: " And the party will go on forever "

You saw lots of boys and girls. They were wearing a face mask: " So come, let's sing" 

Everyone turned their heads to you; they had a smile pasted on their face. You thought ' Well, this is a warm welcoming.' Urie came out from the shadows, A girl screamed " Mr. Sogami!." A bunch of girls ran up to Urie and started praising him. You noticed they had a weird symbol on their neck, you thought ' What kind of fangirls are they?' Urie lifts up his hand, the girls stood their ground. Urie walks towards you and grabs your hand. You blushed, you looked at the fangirls. They were glaring at you. You could tell they were jealous. You heard Urie said, " Come, take a seat." Urie leads you to a gazebo. You sat on the purple couch. You looked up, you noticed a bunch of fangirls was whispering. One girl said, " Who's that girl?" Another said, " Why is she with Urie?" You noticed a boy hiding from the distance. He had a blue uniform, and his hair was completely blue. You quickly looked away, you thought ' I hope he didn't see me.' You looked at Urie " Umm...where's Rem?" Urie places a finger on your lips and shushed you. You blushed at his touch, Urie moves his finger away and snaps his fingers " Welcome to my Eden." 

(Play Music Now) P.S Symbolism may mean something in future chapters.

A rose appears out of nowhere and three petal falls off. A white butterfly flies by, Urie appears with a cape and hat. He was holding a butterfly cage. Urie looks up, his golden eyes were glowing in the dark.

He sang: " Welcome to paradise, an Eden of amour."

A bunch of girls with masks appear on a red couch: " "Amour" my favorite word for love."

Urie sang: " Isn't that just heart-poundingly wonderful?"

Urie walks up to a young girl. The girl was sitting on a throne with a huge red cloth covering her: " I'll hold you if you shiver."

The girl lifts her head up at Urie, she was surprised to see him: " That's right, don't you fret."

Urie holds out his hand to her: " Be my darling butterfly."

A white butterfly flies past: " And flap your wings."

Urie throws off his cape and hat: " See the moon and stars bless us with their twinkling."

He bends down to the girl and lifts her head up: " A sweet night awaits us."

Urie sang, the girl removed her cloth, and a bunch of white butterflies covered her body as a long dress: " Be free!"

Urie sang: " Let us dance, let us dance, take my hand."

He twirls the girl around: " And taste the nectar of this forbidden play."

Urie sang: " Let us a whirl, let us twirl. Higher, and faster. "

The girl's hair flows into the air: " Until mind and body are one."

The girl and Urie hold each other close: " Amour, amour the more we amour."

Urie throws the girl in the air and catches her: " the more amour allures us!"

He dances dips the girl: " I'll love you."

Urie sang: " With a dramatic kiss."

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