Chapter 19 - Bolero of Solitude and Melancholy

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd Person's P.O.V

(Y/N's Dream)


That's all you saw....

You opened your eyes, you looked around " Hello? Is anybody there?" A bright light shines from above. You looked up; you covered your eyes " What's this?" You heard a voice said, " I'll hold you close until you fall apart." You shouted, " Who are you?" As the lights turned off, it revealed your mom laying on the ground. You cried your mouth " M-mom?" Suddenly, you felt something wrapped around your neck. You placed your hands on your neck to feel a metal collar. You turned around and saw two pairs of red eyes. You screamed as you tried to break free. You heard a loud voice said, " That's enough!" You felt the light shining in your eyes. The figure screamed as it faded away. You felt the floor disappearing, you were falling down. You wailed your arms as you screamed. You looked down; you saw the floor coming closer. You closed your eyes as you waited for death. However, it never came. 

    You slowly opened your eyes. You noticed you were floating in the air, you thought ' W-what?'. A voice said, " Are you alright, my child?" You moved your head to see a man. His hair was white, and his robe draped around his body. Your jaw widens, the man chuckled " My apologizes, let me introduce myself." As he snapped his fingers, you quickly dropped to the ground. You got up and wiped your pajamas. The man bowed " Raphael, the God of healing." Raphael said, " I've been sent from the archangels as your guardian." You asked " Archangels?" Raphael explains " The Archangels are a group of powerful angels. Our goal is to keep the demons from the mortal realm." He said, " However, they've somehow managed to slip through the barrier." 

      You said, " That's terrible. Isn't there some way to get them back?" Raphael shook his head " It's already too late. If we close the barrier, the grimoire will be in danger." You thought ' So the grimoire is the reason why the demons are out?' Raphael said, " The time has come, you must protect the grimoire." You asked " Me? Why?" Raphael explains " My child, you aren't like our race. Your powers are unstable." He looks at your amulet, Raphael asked " Haven't you wonder why your grandpa gave you that?" You looked at your amulet " he said it was to protect me. But I don't know why." Raphael said, " You'll know soon, but let's leave it for another day." Suddenly, a ray of light shines on Raphael. Raphael looks up " The dream is ending, I must go." You watched as Raphael grew wings. You asked " Wait! How will I be able to find the grimoire?" Raphael said " Use your amulet. It'll lead you to the grimoire." He said as he flew away " I'll be watching you from afar. Be careful Y/N." You shouted as the world faded " Raphael! Don't leave me." 

(End of Dream)

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