Obey and Dance with Me *Crossover Special*

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* Happy Late Halloween* 

* This Chapter is not part of the Story*

* 3rd Person's P.O.V

In Devildom, Levi was sitting at the dining table. He was playing on his Nintendo Switch. Levi hears a doorbell ring. " Could someone get that?" he sighs as he continued to play. However, the doorbell chimed again. Levi tried to ignore the bell but, it was starting to irritate him. He growled as he played down his console, Levi walked to the door and turned the knob. " There's never a doorman when you need them" he mumbled. Levi opened the door and saw a small package. He looked around but, there was no one in sight. Levi picked up the box and brought it inside.

* Time Skip

Levi was back to playing on his console, he had the package beside him. Asmo was walking by while filing his nails. He quickly turns as he hums. Asmo noticed the package on the table. " Levi? Did you order something?" he asked. " No, I found it on our doorstep" Levi replied as he continued playing. " Well, if it's not yours. Then, who's is it?" Asmo walks towards Levi. " I don't know" Levi shrugs. " Oh my goodness! Is that what I think it is?!" Asmo gasps. " Ah! It must be that face mask I've been waiting for" he snatches the box from the table. " Don't touch it!" Levi grabs the box from Asmo. " Aw but, you said it's not yours" Asmo pouted. " That doesn't give you the right to open someone's package" Levi spoke. 

Suddenly, he felt the box slipping from his hands. He turns around to see Beel scanning the box. " What's in it? Is it edible?" Beel asks. " Beel, did you order something?" Asmo asks. " No, I don't remember ordering anything" Beel shook his head. " But if it's food, could I eat it?" he asked. " I don't think it's food," Levi said. Suddenly, " What's going on here?" the trio heard a voice ask. They turned around to see Lucifer, " I found this mysterious box outside our door"  Levi explained. Lucifer walks up to Levi and looks at the package. " Well, cough it up. Did one of you order something?" he looks at his brothers. Asmo, Levi, and Beel shook their heads. " I don't think there's a name" Levi tries to scan the box. " Give it to me~. I want to see what's in it" Asmo beg. " No one is allowed to open it. Throw it away" Lucifer shook his head. " You're no fun" Asmo groan. " Asmo, you don't know what's inside. It might be dangerous" Lucifer replied. However, Beel didn't listen and opened the box. 

" Aw

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" Aw....it's just a book" he pulls out a strange book. " Beel! Put the book down" Lucifer spoke. " Huh? Why?" Beel titled his head. " Beel, listen to Lucifer. We don't want you to hurt anyone" Asmo beg. Beel drops the book to the ground but when it lands it opens up a portal. The brothers felt themselves being pulled towards the portal. They tried to move away from the book but, the force was still pulling them." Lucifer! Do something!" Levi shout. " I'm trying but, my powers aren't working" Lucifer grunted as he grabbed onto the doorway. ' What is this magic?! Why can't I use my powers?!' he thought. One by one, each of the brothers was sucked into the portal. " Goodbye, cruel world~" Asmo cried as he left. Levi noticed Beel was too close to the portal. He grabs Beel's hand and tried to pull him away. " B-Beel!" Levi's strength was becoming weakened. Beel was sucked into the portal after Levi lets go of his hand. Levi quickly grabs his console from the table before joining. Lucifer reaches the doorway and grips on the side. He felt his fingers sinking into the wall. Lucifer let out a piercing shriek before losing his grip and entering the portal. The portal continued to swallow everything until it closes the book shut.

Part Two?

Sorry, I haven't posted anything yet but I just got an idea to do a crossover chapter. I'll be returning to the regular schedule. 

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