Obey and Dance with Me *Crossover Special* Part 2: The Challenge

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* 3rd Person's P.O.V

Lucifer and his brothers were laying on the ground, unconscious. The oldest, Lucifer, was the first to wake up. He lifted his head and grunted; Lucifer noticed his brothers were still knocked out. He walks up to Levi and bends down. " Leviathan, wake up!" Lucifer shakes Levi. Levi didn't respond, Lucifer slaps Levi's face. " Ow!" Levi quickly awoke from this and rubbed his cheek.  " Ugh, I'm so worn out" Levi scoffed. He turns to his left and saw Beel. " Beel! Wake up!" Levi ran over to him. He pulls out a chocolate bar from his jacket. Levi opens the candy and Beel's eyes were open. Beel stood up and snatches the chocolate bar from his brother. He takes a bite of the candy and smiles. Asmo and Satan wakes up, " What's going on?" Asmo rubs his eyes. " Lucifer? Where are we?" Satan asked. " I'm not sure. Perhaps, that portal had transported us inside the book" Lucifer rubs his chin.  " Book? What book?" Satan was confused. " The one that I told them not to open" Lucifer glared at Levi. Levi nervously sweats, " I have no idea what you're talking about" he looks away from Lucifer. Mammon wakes up and yawns. He noticed his brothers were here. " Good morning, everyone" Mammon smiles. However, no one responded to Mammon. " Hey! Don't you dare ignore me!" Mammon stands up. " Shut up! You're annoying" Belphegor growl as he stood up. Mammon cried as he covered his eyes. " Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!" a voice spoke from the darkness. A beam of light aims at the demon brothers, they quickly covered their eyes at the brightness. 

" Welcome to.... the Ultimate Demon Showdown!" the voice yelled. The room lights up, revealing a stadium of demons were cheering. " Is this some kind of show?" Satan asked. " Too loud" Belphegor grunt as he covered his ears. " Wow! Are we on tv?" Asmo's eyes sparkled. " Hello, lovelies~" he waves to the crowd. " Awesome! We're going to be rich. What's up! The Mammon has arrived" Mammon chuckled. " I don't think they were waiting for you" Levi sighed. " Where are we?" Beel was still chewing on the chocolate bar. " I believe we're on some kind of tv show" Lucifer hummed.  " Is this a game show?! I hope it's Jeopardy" Mammon gasped. " I don't think you get to pick the game" the voice chuckled. The demon brothers turned around to see a throne hovering over them with a dark figure. They were wearing a mask and a red cloak that cover their entire body. " Who are you? Why did you bring us here?" Lucifer asked.  " I'm the Game Master. I've admired your boys for a while. So, I wanted to challenge you with a game" the figure replied. The demon brothers were confused, " Oh! A game? I love games" Asmo smiled. " Does it involve money?" Mammon asked. " Is it console or mobile?" Levi said. " No! This is a game of survival" The Game Master shouted. " Your job is to find the exit and escape. However, there's a twist" they continued.

" You have a time limit. If you don't find the exit before the time goes out, you'll be trapped here forever " the Game Master said. " I see, what if we refused to play?" Lucifer replied. " Then, that means I win, and you'll be my new playmates forever" the Game Master evilly chuckled. Lucifer growl under this breath, " I guess we have no choice but, to accept this little game of yours" he sighs. " Haha, bring it on. The Mammon is ready to these players down" Mammon shouted happily. " Be prepare, I'll show you Asmo at his best!" Asmo flips his hair. " Don't underestimate an otaku!" Levi grunt. " I'm hungry" Beel spoke. " If you help us win, I'll give you a sandwich" Levi responds. " Ok" Beel quickly changes his mind. " Alright, I'll join. Only because Beel is involved" Belphegor sighs. " Do your worst, we're not losing to you" Satan points to the figure. " Well then, let the games began!" the Game Master shouted before snapping his fingers. The demon brothers were transported away as the crowd cheered.

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