"Someone wants it as well" he hummed. "Shut up and hurry up." "Shh baby I missed you so much treat me nicely I haven't seen you in a while." "Aish just fuck me, baby."

"Of course." He slammed me against the wall as he kissed me in the back of my neck going lower giving me wet hard kisses on my back stopping at my ass. "I'm going to lick you instead okay I don't have lube on me."  "You wasted it." "Why do you think I have tissues and socks laying on my floor."

"Your so horny"
He opens my cheeks I felt wet not because we were in a warm shower it was his tongue poking my hole. "Ahh~" I moaned out. He squeezed my thighs as he put his tongue even deeper. My moans got even louder. I started to stroke, my hard dick. "Fuck Minho!"
I bit my lip.

He pulled his tongue out and stood up behind me I thought he was going to do something else but he put in three fingers instead of one it hurt a lot as we haven't had sex in a while.

"Minho slowly," I said whining. He went even faster as the opposite of what I said. I grabbed the shelves on the shower the grip of my fingers were turning white.

I put my head on his shoulder. As he fingered me. His other hand started to jerk me off. I arched my back as my tongue sticks out.

"Fuck your so hot! I need to fuck you let me carry to the bed."

"But the bed will be wet." "Don't matter you'll be wet anyway." He pulled his fingers out he turned me around and told me to jump I jumped in his arms...

(Sucks to be you guys y'all won't see this hot scene.)

"Get up Jisung I have to feed Henry before he dies on me." "Hmm yeah, I'll get up." I got up butt naked when Minho slaps my butt.

"Oww!"  "I couldn't resist is my butt." "No, it isn't it's mine."  "You want to tell me that's not my butt when I already marked it already." His eyebrow went up.

He shook his head and was getting ready I was putting my clothes on when his phone rang. He put it on his ear.

"Hey yeah okay I'll be there in twenty minutes yeah the same place like last time okay see you." He hangs up as he puts his shoes on.

"Where are you going?"  "Friends want to hang out I'll be back in the middle of the night." "Aren't you going to take care of Kevin he's your responsibility?" "This is important Jisung can you please."

"Fine, you owe me." "When you mean owe as round four owe you?" "No, you idiot my back hurts I can't handle that I mean food-wise."

"Fine." "Bye"

I went downstairs to see Kevin asleep in his room. "Aww, he looks so cute I can't wait when I have a little mini-me running around. I don't why Minho despises kids I should ask him that when he returns.

I cover Kevin with his blanket and turn off the lights.

I went downstairs to make some food for me and Kevin before he wakes up.

I then got a sudden video call from my friends. "Hey, guys!" I said taking out a lump of meat from the freezer.

"You have to come down here." "Why? and I can't I have to take care of Minho little cousin."  "Why do you have to take care of a little kid that isn't your responsibility when your job is to take care of Minho and I don't think I have seen you doing your job."

"I am doing my job." "Having sex with the guy you have to take care of wasn't part of the deal his parents gave you?"

"Well I didn't know it was going to be him I was going to take care of. Also, how would I know we were going to end up like this?"

"Whatever talking about Minho when in the hell are you telling him about you going to U-league do you want him to find out by himself or by someone else?" Felix pointed out.

"I will when he comes back and drops of Kevin at his parent's house I'll make a little dinner tell him and I hope he isn't going to get sad."

"I feel like Minho understanding!" Jeongin stated.
"No is Minho were talking about," Seungmin said. "Seungmin right. Minho gets mad easily."

"You guys are making this worst for Jisung...If he loves you Jisung  he'll understand and if he doesn't drop his ass simple," Felix said. "I know guys."

"So because you're not coming to us well come to you will be there in ten." They hanged up.

"Uncle Jisung" I jumped with the sudden voice. Kevin's hair was all over his eyes slightly open. "Your awake?" "Yes, my tummy was grumbling."
"Well is your lucky day the food is ready" We sat in the dining room eating before Kevin was going to say something.

"Uncle Jisung I know ears dropping is bad but I couldn't help but hearing you have a secrete and that is taking you so long to tell my cousin Minho."

"You heard that ah well you'll find out sooner or later but this secret stays between us do not tell Minho."

"I promise to not tell him." "Okay well as you can't tell this babysitting wasn't gonna last long I needed the job for money because I didn't want to ask my parents I want to pay for myself so I got this job. But after these months I got accepted to my university for soccer one of the best university you can go to. But the thing is I have to go on the same day as I graduate and that wasn't the plan but is an offer I can't lose but I just started dating Minho and I don't know what I'm going to do or what's going to be his reaction."

"You should tell him I want you guys to be happy and I like you. You're the only person that made my cousin Minho happy and I can see he loves you."

"I will Kevin, eat up."

The next chapter is going to be spicy!! Not like sexy spicy but drama spicy.

And I'll get straight into it.

Word Count: 1769

You need a Babysitter:Minsung 🍑 ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora