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Minho POV

I got up to the smell of pancakes. I didn't change I just had my pajamas on. I went downstairs and see Jisung eating pancakes, eggs, ham, sausage, and a drink of orange juice.

I sat across from him. I know he noticed me when I sat down he was just looking at his phone and smiling like an idiot.

I coughed. "Helloo!" "Oh yes, I didn't see you there what do you need." I can hear his sarcastic tone. "Ah, food." "Um, don't you have legs to get up and cook for yourself I mean you do know how to cook right?" "You said you were going to cook for me when I ask." "I mean I will cook for someone who treats me better unlike you Mr. Diva."

I got up and went to his side. He was clicking on people's Instagram stories. I moved his face so he can see me. Wow he has nice brown eyes he's so good-looking now I know why my ex-girlfriends like him but still I fucking hate how he steals my ex-girlfriends.

"U-um w-what are y-you doing." he said stuttering. "Please give me fooddd~" I started to do aegyo. (sorry you have to read that 😭 it just funny when Minho does aegyo) "Uhh," he started to turn red. He touched my hands. "Ummm okay don't do that again." "You know you like it." "Do you do that often?" "Yep, my friends cringe when I do that to them but I love seeing their faces."

"Why do you hate it?" he started to turn dark red. "Is it hot or just me" "yeah it is." I opened the backyard door. I took my shirt off and just put it over my shoulder. "Minho put your shirt back on." "Why it's hot."

"I'm going to change and then we can go to school." He told me putting his food away. "No, let's skip." "What no!" "Just one time it's gonna be my first time too."
"Alright." "Yeah go change into whatever and will go somewhere else," I said back.

I changed into some shorts and a red tank top and some sunglasses. I got my stuff ready. After a few minutes, Jisung came with some overall pants and a white shirt inside he looked cute. Hold up did I just say a dude it's cute.

"Okay let's go are you wearing a ponytail on top of your hair." "Yeah, it's nice right." "You're in soccer right." "Yeah" "Varsity?" he nodded again. "So where are we going?"
"We're going to eat in Panaera Bread." "Okay." He said heading to the door.

"Should I get my keys?" He said grabbing the keys from his pocket. "Yeah you have a car my car is in the car shop." "Okay." He went outside and started the car he waited a bit for the car to be warm. Do you hate the cold?" I asked. "Yep, I get sick easily." "Ahh okay." Then we left my driveway.

He went and put the radio on. It was a new group MCND their debut wasn't that long the songs call Ice Age. (Check them out little promo) he started to rap one of their parts.

After that Fancy from twice came next. He was doing the hand movements.

His phone was buzzing and ringing but he ignore them all. It's weird. "Okay were here." We entered the place we place our orders and sat down. He got a green tea and I just got some normal ice tea.

"Is that even good?" "Yep, It's so good try some." He handed me the drink. I took a sip but one sip made me drink all of it. His mouth was hanging open. "You're right that is good." "Wooow" he pouted he looks cute like a baby squirl.

He went and refill his drink he came back and sat down I was about to grabbed his drink from his grasp but he swiped it away from me. "This is mine." he said, "Drink yours." he stuck his tongue out.

He was playing a game on his phone. He was whispering yelling when he was failing and winning I wanted to see what he was playing. I took his phone away. "MINHO!" "You're playing Mario Kart?" "Yes now give me!" "I want to play." "Then downloaded it on you're phone." he exclaimed.

He went to my side and sat next to me he was trying to get it from me but I didn't let him.
He pouted and looked away. I went close to him. "Hey, you okay." I poked his squishy cheeks. "No" he looked at me our faces were so close but he wasn't red I can feel myself blushing hard.

"Here's your meal." The waiter said. "Thank you," he said going back to his seat and swipping his phone back when I was still in shock.

"Let's eat," he said.

I was still blushing.

"After this we're going somewhere," he said I nodded not looking up.

See I'm done with two chapters on the same day. I hoped you like it.

Word count:862🍑

You need a Babysitter:Minsung 🍑 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now