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Jisung POV
It was graduation day  I was so excited about leaving this horrible place called school while I was smiling as I got to school my friends were taking pictures. "Let's take goofy pictures!" "On three okay" "one two three!"
"Hi, guys!" "Jisungie, let's all take a picture."
I nodded as all of us squished together. I smiled as they took it.

"Are you excited that we're finally leaving this place?" "Yes because all of us are going to the same university." "But we won't hang out over the summer such a bummer."

"I know I'm gonna be all worked up but in a good way because this is what I wanted and when I have time I'll call you guys." "You better or will hang you up on our wall." I laughed.

"You should go take some pictures with Minho saving those last moments with one another."

"You're right, I'll see you guys in the back of the school."

I made my way to where everyone was taking pictures with Minho he looked so cute. But the girls who were touching him weren't cute.
"Minho!" I called his name. He pushed the girls out the way and went to hug me I saw some of the girls rolling their eyes at me.
"Hey, beautiful" "Hi gorgeous," I said back.
"Do you want to take pictures with me," Minho said smiling at me. How lucky I was to date my crush the one I was waiting for the longest and he finally notices me and now he's hugging me staring at me with love.

"You don't have to ask of course we can!" he took my hand and we went to the side of the school where there were a bunch of trees around. There was a stone bench I went and sat down. "Are you not going to sit with me," I asked Minho who was grabbing his phone from his pocket.

"I will but let's take a picture of one another first so we can keep it as our phone case." "So romantic~" I smiled at him.
"So do an ugly face so people can see that your beauty is right in the back of my case."
"Now you lost me of you being romantic." "Just do it we'll take two."
"Okay." "One two three...okay now give me stunning." He smiled at them.
"You got them right," I said standing up.
"Yes, I did I love how you did a no chin one and rolled your eyes to the back so I can see the whites of your eyeballs your so cute." He pinched my cheeks. "You're so weird." "Now take mine you can choose what poses I can do."

"Okay do a cute one" he put a peace sign over his left eye and winked I took it and smiled. "Okay, last one sexy" "Like what sexy" "Unbuttoned your shirt and bite your lip and swift your hair back got that."

He did what I told him he looked at the camera and I took it damn why is he so fine for what reason does he have to be that hot."

"Let's take some pictures of the both of us."
I sat on Minho's lap he grabbed me from my waist and pulled his phone he put it up high for both of our faces to show.

"Smile my love." he counted to three. "I kissed him on the lips and he took it. "So should we get going."
"Let's go." we both went hand in hand and took our seats.
They called us one by one taking pictures with the principal and alone it was my turn I took my diploma and shook the principal hand I said thank you and went to sit back in my seat more students went by it was finally Minho's turn.
He made a peace sign and took the spoke person's microphone and said a few words he wasn't even the valedictorian but took it anyways.

"Hello, my classmates we made this far, and let's keep it that way I know y'all will miss me who wouldn't I madly gorgeous but for me, I will dearly miss my baby boy who's sitting madly fine in row three" he blew a kiss at me. "Just so you know let's not be those college kids that come after a few months you graduated and come back to school and see your teachers because I know damn well I'm not. I will never go back to this horrendous school people call fun." He dropped the mic and then handed it to the spoke person.

You need a Babysitter:Minsung 🍑 ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora