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Edit hello omg guys I'm so sorry I thought I published chapter 29 and 30 on December 31st and I didn't realize until someone texted me when is the next update for chapter 29 I was confused as a huh? wym? and I went back today to see my chapters weren't published I already wrote them I just didn't publish them I'm sorry babies the long wait is over.

Minho POV

It was getting a bit late some people from school were already here I just need to wait a bit more.

More time has pass and it was already ten and Jisung was still not here. Did my plan not work, doesn't he want his phone back, doesn't he want to talk to me. His phone has been ringing non-stop by the same number, I want to pick it up but it's not my business to know.

"Okay, Minho relaxed he'll come just come with us take a drink is not alcohol though, just have fun for now."

"But what if Jisung comes and sees me like this." "Will rush to find you if he's looking for you so don't be grinding on twinks until he doesn't want you but he will so don't be doing something stupid," Hyunjin said patting me on the back.

When I was drinking my third drink I changed the drink to alcohol. My head was spinning all around.
I was on the dancefloor where everyone was close to one another, I had a lot of hands-on me and I couldn't stop them. When I was saying no their hands kept saying yes they touched me where I didn't want to get touched now I know how a lot of girls feel it feels uncomfortable.

I hate it I couldn't see who were the ones touching me but someone pulled me out from the dancefloor. "Hey, you okay" "I couldn't see anything my eyes were blurry." Until they splashed water on my face it was Naeun.

"Hey did you tell Jisung if he's coming?"
"Yeah" "Is he coming?" I patiently waited for her to answer. "Yes"

"So he does want to see me!" I got excited.
"Well more likely give you some sense and get his phone back but you have to stop him and talk to him if you want to be back together with him."

"I will but what time is he coming."
"Midnight he's working a bit late but he's coming." "He has another job?"  "More like two jobs.."

"He never told me about them.."  "Oh, I'm sorry I just assume you did." "He probably started when we stopped seeing each other." "No, he has been doing it when you guys were seeing each other. Oh no I said too much didn't I!"

"No, it's not your fault we both lied he probably needed the money sooner to go to his University or he could've asked me for the money I would willingly have gave it to him no question asked."

"Wait are you going to college?"
"I am I'm just waitlisted" "With what?" "I'm studying engineer is close to where I live and also for my parents mostly my dad not to worry about my safety." "Aw cute but do you want me to beat those bitches that touched you without your consent."

"It's fine, I mean is not fine what they did to me but right now Im only thinking about Jisung. I'm going upstairs for a second, call me if Jisung arrives."

"Sure, thing." I smiled at her and went upstairs to my room.

I sat at the end of my bed looking at the couple bracelet I bought for Jisung but before I knew it, it was over.

What if Jisung can't forgive me anymore I didn't mean to hurt him. Yeah it was stupid for me to think he'll be okay. I should've just gave up with this whole bet. I was going to tell him when this bet was over but he just overreacted a bit how can he say that I never loved him when I wanted to show our relationship to the whole world may be the emotions got to him before I can explain to him I'm hoping he'll let me talk.

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