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Thursday came in like a flash. It was my first day at my new job at 6:40 pm so I had plenty of time to spare.

I was choosing an outfit that's isn't too impressive or looks like I'm homeless so I choose to wear something comfortable. I got a white hoodie a jean jacket and some black joggers and a pair of white shoes.

"Jisung open the door!." I hear a loud pound outside my front door. I opened the front door to see Seungmin and Felix coming right in before I could say yes guys come inside. "Oh just come right in would you both." "You know why we're here." "No, and I don't want to find out." "Well too bad we're celebrating on your first job." "You couldn't do that when I got the job I'm leaving at 6:40 pm."

"Yeah, and? You still got time though." "If one of you gets me drunk. I'll kill both of you and how are we going to drink we're not legal to drink alcohol? " "I mean who's gonna tell on us." "I don't know probably the loud music you're going to make and my neighbors calling the cops on us!" Both of them smile scaring me a bit.

One hour later
"CHUNG! CHUNG! Chung!" I hear someone saying it to me I swallowed six shots in one go I felt a little dizzy at first. I tried to look for a water bottle in the fridge when I found one I didn't hesitated to drink the whole water bottle, when I was done I realize my house was full of people, I almost forgot that I have to leave I checked my watch four o'clock I still had time to spare but who in their right mind has a party at four?

"Hell yeah Jisung! mazing party my dude!" I nodded like an idiot who called these people and I knew the two idiots who did it. "FELI!X SEUNGMIN!" I screamed their names both of their heads popped out in the crowd. "Yes, you called dear friend." "What are these people doing at my house." "I mean you're the one who called them I mean you we're a bit drunk in all but it was your mouth your voice and probably us making you read it in a paper."
"You think I was stable enough to do that!!" "Um I mean you we're having fun in all." "I'm going to go buy trash bags." "No your staying here with us!" "GENTLEMAN!" three huge male guys came behind me. "Carry Jisung and let him get refreshed for a bit." they nodded and grabbed me from the side.

"What does that mean Felix? your dead when I find out what refresh means!" We went outside my backyard my pool was dyed pink and filled with bubbles ooo they're so dead. "Sorry." the three of them said, "wait—what! Don't you dare I'm going to call my lawyers on you—" they threw me in the pool making a huge splash thank god I knew how to swim.

No one POV
"You think he dead" Seungmin said, "No, Jisung knows how to swim but he's probably going to kill us." Felix replied back, "It doesn't matter if he kill us at least we made him feel good for a couple of hours."

Jisung POV
I walked out shivering. I went inside to see Felix and Seungmin I was about to chock them for throwing me in the pool. Until a guy came up to me he was totally not in the shape in standing up.

"Hey there cutie." Please no I said mentally in my head. "I'm not really into dudes but you're an exception he grabbed me from my butt. "Excuse me." I tried to get his hand off my butt but he was too strong for me. He trailed his other hand to my lips the hand he had on my butt he put it behind my neck he then forcibly made me kiss him back my first kiss was a drunk straight guy.

I pushed him away I see his friends were taking pictures of us so I did the one thing my head told me to do I slapped him so people wouldn't think I was gay and he was I know it's pretty shitty but he started. "Huh, what happened," he said "You kissed me, dude, the hell is wrong with you," I said to him.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't knew I'm sorry Jisung." I looked at Felix and I walked towards him. "I hate you and Seungmin." "Why you finally got your first kiss though!" "You think I wanted him to be my first kiss with a drunk straight guy. I wanted my kiss to me someone else not a straight guy!"

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