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Jisung POV

"So tell us because we're all confused over here."

"Well, the kid that is sitting with us right now his name is Kevin Lee cousin of Minho. Yes, the Minho I have a crush on but Kevin here is not the boy I'm babysitting." "Then who the heck are you babysitting?" Felix said with a confused look. "Don't say anything to no one i'm talking to you Felix I swear you have the biggest mouth in the group." "I promise we all promise."

"Well the guy I'm babysitting is Minho.." I mumbled. "Who? speak up were death over here a little louder please."

"Is minHo!" "A bit louder than that Jisungie." "Is Minho! I'm babysitting Minho the guy I have a huge crush on." "WHAT!" they all looked at each other and laughed like a group of hyenas. "Your babysitting the Minho stop lying." "I'm not I have the keys to his house I see him every day and he's the one who told me to tell no one about me babysitting him."

"Why in the world does Minho a grown-ass dude need a babysitter," Seungmin asked wiping his tear away.

"His parents don't trust him at all not even if his servants stay with him. They know him last time he ruined the whole backyard with the pool I didn't ask how but how could they trust him to be alone for six months."

"How did you get the job?" "When Jeongin told me he got a job he found out there was another babysitting job as well. I went in the next day and got it as you can tell. But in my head, I thought I was going to take care of a child not a dude in his senior year of high school.

Also, it was the same day the party you guys made at my house and I told you guys I had to leave and when I made it to his house the door opened and when I tell you my heart dropped god was on my side when Minho opened that door."

"So what you're telling us you guys only talked and hanged out that's all nothing else happened to both of you alone in his house that's what you're telling us!" Felix said. "I can't say it now there's a kid here." "YOU GUYS DID SOMETHING MORE.!!" "Shhh, I won't say anything more."

"You have to tell us about everything and we promise we won't tell a soul." "Okay well, I'll take my leave now I have to take Kevin home you guys can stay at my place if you want you guys can take an uber."

"We are so going to talk when you come back home." I nodded.

"Jisung?" "Yes, Kevin." "Can I change into my Moana clothes?" "Sure let's go to the restroom." He changed into the clothes and opened the door he walked out. "Oh wow, you look so cute!!" "I know I do hehe." "Come now." I hold his hand. "I'm going to miss hanging out with you your so nice and you talk to me more than cousin Minho I'm the one that talks to him as he spends more time on his phone and doesn't try to hang out with me or play with me so Kevin is so sad."

"Oh I'm so sorry baby I'm always going to be at Minho house and you can come over. whenever you decide to come." "I'll ask my mommy to let me go visit Minho house so I can hang out with you." "Oh I'll love that." I squeezed his hand and gave him a smile.

We drove to Minho's house I got my key and unlocked the front door I closed the door behind me. "Minho I'm home I bringing Kevin back.! Minho."
"Oh, I thought you won't come until tomorrow?" "I mean I think your aunt and uncle want their child back."

"Where is he?" "Kevin come here." "Coming~".
"So what are you doing?." "Um, nothing." "You sure.." "Yeah." "Then why do you have a bandaged covering your neck." "It's nothing!"

"You sure.." "Yeah!" "I don't think so let me see." "It's nothing it's just a scratch." "Then it wouldn't be a problem of me seeing the scratch right." "It's nothing like I said–" I took the bandage off of his neck it was definitely not a scratch but I don't want him to see my face like I cared even if I did.

"It's a scratch I told you." "That isn't what a scratch looks like and I know what a hickey is when I see one." "I can explain Jisung!" "You don't have to I don't care." "No, let me explain how I think it happen my friends and I went to a party as I told you I was going to hang out with them then a girl came out of nowhere I was so drunk next thing I knew I was in bed with her." "So you had sex with her." "I'm not sure if I did."

"Well, I don't care." "You don't?" "No. Kevin come here." "Um, are you guys fighting?" "No, were not fighting." "Why is he was wearing girl clothes?" "He wanted to." "Or you made him." "Why on earth will I make a child wear something that can make them uncomfortable." "Well, you did I don't want his mindset to be—."

"That's funny coming from you. I have to go I don't want to see your face right now. Also Kevin asked me for it he wanted to wear it. It was his choice and he's parents let him last time I checked you are not the person who can choose what he likes."

I closed the door hard. I head back to my car. Did he really have sex with a girl do I have no chance with him anymore. I guess not.

Okay, guys i'm done with this chapter. Love you all see you in the next chapter very soon.

Word Count: 1011

You need a Babysitter:Minsung 🍑 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now