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Jisung POV
"So Changbin and I are going do it." The three of us spit our drink out of our mouths.  "Whatt! You crazy."  "Yeah, I'm ready to take the next step."  I was still shocked more like Seungmin was more shocked than I was there was still water coming out his mouth.

"How long have you guys been going out for."  "Almost one month but we knew about eachother before we started to even date. He said he'll be gentle this time that he will scream in the pillow from now on."

"Okay stop this is so weird."   "How is it weird every couple has done it before and till this day." "I mean you are going to you use protection right."   "Why on earth would I use protection.?"  "I mean do you want to have STD's." "What!! No I dont want to have STD but I think you guys are misunderstanding me I'm not going to have sex with Changbin is too soon we just started dating."

"Then what the hell are you guys going to do?"  "Play some video games like any couple."   "But you said he's going to be gentle if that doesn't say anything then I don't know."   "Oh no he said he won't yell loud anymore because my hearing is sensitive so he'll be gentle in yelling."

"Next time say that before you kill the three of us."  "So are we ever going to see the kid your babysitting." Seungmin said chewing on his food. "Um, I don't know-" "You should we need to meet the nugget you're taking care of." "I'll ask and if he says no then-" "Okay will be waiting for your answer." We went back to eating I looked around to find Minho talking to his friends.

Ah, I don't even want to talk to him I've been ignoring him since this morning. Yeah, I was so happy with what he did yesterday but I don't know if he was just playing around or he wanted to see my reaction so I just looked away so he wouldn't know I was looking at him. I headed to math class.

"Okay, class let's begin with your test." The teacher said handing out the test on our desk. "You can start now."

There were twenty questions. I was barely in number three and I was barely concentrating I was having a huge migraine after twenty minutes I was done I put my head sideways looking outside the window. Then I see rocks going inside the classroom I looked out to see Minho but then he through a rock in my face I stepped back but looked back again having an annoyed face.

He was pointing to get here I nodded. "Mrs. Kang can I go to the nurse I don't feel good."   "Here go and take the pass." she handed it to me.

I headed where Minho was. "Yes." I said getting closer to him.  "So I won't be home at nineish I'm going out with my friends so don't make dinner."  "Like I was going to make dinner there's leftover food that I made yesterday."

Then I remember I need to find a child to babysit.  "You okay," he asked looking at me. "Not really."  "Why?" he scratched his neck. "Well my friends think I'm babysitting a child and that child it's you and they want to meet the child."

"You told them that lie."  "What did you expect me to say!."  "I don't know you didn't get the job!"  "Then they would've expected why I'm not hanging out with them anymore isn't that suspicious to you also before I forget here's my number." I handed it in his hand.

"Okay, I got it! I'm such a genius I know how you can pull this off. I have a cousin who's like eight almost nine years old. I can bring him and well you can think of the rest."  "Ooo nice thinking."
"I want to say something else." Minho looked at me nervous.

"I'm s-sorry about yesterday." He said. "Ahh, it's nothing I was just trying to help you not get caught even though I could've fallen from the roof and break my legs its fine."  "No, it's not that is about-" He paused "Um-nevermind."  Minho looked down. "Well I have to go back to class bye now."

It was the end of the day I could finally go to sleep and eat the food I'm going to make instead of this prison food they give us here. "Jisung wait up!"  "Yes." I looked at Jeongin as he catches up to me.  "Can I go to your house?" "Sure is it gonna be us two I mean I don't care if it just us."  "Yeah the guys are busy an I just want to hang out with you if that's fine." I nodded.

"So are you going to pick up the kid your babysitting?"  "He's going to sleepover at his friend's house tonight." "Alright because I need to tell you something when we get to your house."

I walked to my front door. I didn't realize that my house wasn't destroyed anymore I turned around to see the grass not in colors. I unlocked my front door it smelled like febreze the inside was fix it doesnt smell alcohol or somebody threw up it looked clean I feel so proud that these three idiots that I call friends actually cleaned the whole place up I think I'm going to shed a tear.

"How in the world you three clowns clean this whole place?"   "We called my aunt-friends-cleaners for the job we were just hanging out in your pool."  "Well, I ain't owing you guys anything just so you know."  "We know that's why Felix grabbed your wallet before you went to babysit the kid he took a couple of bills so we could pay the cleaners."

"Of course, he did why am I not surprised."  "We even got you a new vase that Seungmin broke-"  "What!" "Oh nothing you surely didn't hear nothing from my mouth teehee~" I looked at him and went to the kitchen.

"I'm just going to ignore what you just said. What do you want me to order."   "Pizza, barbecue wings, fries, and sprite to finish it all."

I rolled my eyes and called the pizza place. "Yeah hello I like to make an order yeah I will hold." I put my phone on mute.

"So what do you want to talk about," I asked sitting on the counter as he sat on the kitchen chair facing me. "It's about Hyunjin and I."  "Yeah, what about it." "We a had argument." "Oh why? what's going on?"

"It's because you know how we live in a society that not all people would accept or agree with us because we're "different" from a standard people's perspective. They want everyone to be the same."

"Do you mean-" "Yes, and I want to tell people that I'm dating someone but Hyunjin is afraid that someone will hurt me he doesn't want to risk it. I get where he's coming from but I don't want to be someone's perspective I want to show people I'm me and I'm not changing in who I am and I want Hyunjin to be next to me."

"Hmm well not everyone would want to come out is not that simple. For example, if you want to have sex and you've been ready for your entire life and then suddenly your partner isn't quite ready you should accept the reality even if you don't like it and when you and Hyunjin do decide to come out to the world your friends will be right by your side. Your a nice friend, a cute little brother, and a great boyfriend just give it time he'll come around people we'll come around but not now."  

"Thanks for being my best friend." he hugged me around my waist. "I'm going to your room and call Hyunjin and tell him sorry."
I put are orders in and we just had to wait about thirty minutes so they can deliver it at my house. I hung up then suddenly
my phone rang "Hello!!"

"Hey, it's Minho."   "oH hI!"   "Where are you?"  "In my humble of home with my friend." "How many."  "One why are you asking me so many question?"  "No, I'm just asking well bye."  "Bye-" he hanged up. Why did he hang up so fast oh well I shrugged.

Okay, next chapter is gonna be so good. What are your thoughts on why Minho hung up fast on the phone. 😭😆.

Word Count: 1438

You need a Babysitter:Minsung 🍑 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now