Freedom of Flight, Eight - Age 17 (Elena POV)

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One thing I've learned in the time I've spent training, is that timing is crucial. Time can be the difference between life and death.

So I can only hope I've caluclated this correctly.

Her words cast a spell over the both of us, and I can head Almuru's heart slow down to a barely beating pace only an immortal or part immortal could achieve.

She knows. She's known all along.

Not a full second after she utters the truth that holds more meaning in them than the price of this spidersilk, she springs up from her position and leaps into the air. Her front legs drawing in close in a spear like formation, she falls straight for my bare position on the cavern floor.

Not yet...
Not yet...
Not yet...

Faster than ever before, Almuru and I simultaneously spring forward in a tight roll, placing our hands down flat on the hard stone, and flip ourselves upside down to the back of the belly of the deadly spider.

Using every bit of strength in my legs, I push upward in a great kick, and together we send the last remaining Kharankui flying over our heads, landing hard against the wall behind us in a massive thud.

Quickly pulling my feet down and rolling the rest of the way, I leap to my feet and draw one of my chakram, just in time to see the vlag spider bound to her feet and dart for us once more with a furious screech.

Leaping to the right, I narrowly miss one of her black legs, as it drives down to the ground at an angle that would have dove through my heart and pinned me to the floor. Whipping out my bone knife, I angle the blade slighty and slash for the joint in her leg.

The Kharankui screams again, but more out of anger than pain, and I see that while my blade hit its mark and a flowing stream of blood pours out... what should have cut straight through, only went through one-third. Magic it is then.

Flicking my wrist, I let the power built up in my veins pour out in a long glowing whip of red flames. Finally!

Snapping my arm back and then forward, I crack the burning flames and send the rope for the spider's already bleeding leg. Coiling around her dripping cut like a snake, it winds its way around her stark black leg, and a foul smelling steam rises into the air.

I grip the end of the whip tightly in my hand, and with a wrench of my arm, I tear the spider's leg clean off from the cut.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!" her scream shatters through the cavern and radiates throughout my entire body in a chilling echo. Valg. That sound was valg.

Flinging the detached leg away, I use what time I have to race around to her other side where Almuru fights. Spear in hand, the double pointed ends coated in the palest blue ice, he lifts the weapon over his head in a great spinning loop, and brings one end down, slicing through the side of ther spider.

"Come on!" I grab his arm and together we full on sprint across the room. The exit behind us, and behind the spider.

Ducking under loose drapes of spidersilk, we flee for the other side, searching for another tunnel to lead us out of here, but the furter we go the darker it gets, and the more difficulty I have trouble breathing.

"Think you can run from me?" the Stygian Spider laughs eerily from behind us, her voice echoing though the cave. "Your immortal blood shall be spilt for the death of my queen!"

We've got to get out of here now! Where the hell is Harlan?!

"There!" Almuru barks out, and clutches my hand tighter as he sprints for an opening in the wall. Dashing across the black stone floor, we make it to the large crack, and dart into another cave.

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